The city lights

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I wokr up to Emily screaming "babeeeeee what are you doingggg"
I get out of bed and opened my door I look over to the stairs and steph is running down  with Emily I run after them in an attempt to save her but I failed before I knew it we were outside and Emily was in the pool
Steph rubs her hands together "good morning sunshine want some coffee"
Emily gets out of the pool and she is pissed she runs after steph  but Steph turns around and in her attempt to stop she fell but steph caught her and started laughing
"Your notttt funny"
"Really then why am I laughing"
I walk past them and smile at steph "cause your crazy and enjoy everyone's pain"
Emily laughs " I agree with her "
"That's a fact"
Steph  says while laughing I walk over to the coffee machine and make myself a cup I can hear Emily in the background complaining about how cold it is and how much she hates to be woken up like that and steph just laughing at her I turn around and started walking out of the kitchen to my room  but I was called "ey  hay paul what's good"
Steph said from  behind me
"That's how he talks right?"
"What? No...maybe"
"Whatever stop listening to steph how was the date"
"Dinner....and it was fine"
I started walking off before anymore questions could be asked 
I got to my room fixed myself up and sat up my camera
"Yoooooo what's Gucci guys.... so I'm a official mess and not ready for today but hey I'm gonna take a quick shower and I'll see you when I get back"
I sit down on my bed and put on some music and start drinking my coffee

Hey Last night was so much fun thank you for taking me out ☺️
It was alot of fun...would you wanna hang out sometime again
Whenever you want
Well...what's your plans for today?
I'm vlogging today so still trying to figure out what I am going to do .... yours
Why don't you come over to my house we can hang and think of something together
You sure
Logan❤️ will be alot of fun.....also the views
😂😂😂😂 thank youuu I'll be over in a minute just gotta shower
I'll send you the location.... see you soon

I was kind off excited
I finished my coffee
And went to the bathroom
I got in the shower

I wonder what I am going to wear

I find my outfit and get dressed I turn on my camera "Boooooom! Hey I'm done did you miss me no? Fine well let's head down stairs" I grab all my things stuff them in my backpack I walk down stairs and there steph was on the counter eating cheetosQ...

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I find my outfit and get dressed
I turn on my camera
"Boooooom! Hey I'm done did you miss me no? Fine well let's head down stairs"
I grab all my things stuff them in my backpack
I walk down stairs and there steph was on the counter eating cheetos
Qi pick my camera " so I made it downstairs but look at this ...this is Stephani she only eats cheetos and drinks"
Emily comes walking in and looks at the cameRa "and yet I date her"
"Guys Emily here was thrown in the pool this morning"
Steph starts laughing
Em" what she doesn't know is she's not getting any tonight"
Me and Emily burst out laughing and steph just gets quiet
I put the camera down
"Aight guys I'm heading out"
Emily: Enjoy your vlog
I give her a smile
Steph still is Zoned out so I just walked away I ordered a uber and then texted Logan

"Heyz I'm on my way just waiting for my uber"
If you said you don't have a car I would have picked you up...
It would have been a long way for you to drive so
Would not have been a problem but I'm waiting for you ....

My uber arrived and I got in and we drove to Logans house
"Guys so I'm in a uber right now geus where I'm going ... wait actually I'm not telling you I'll show you when we get there but drop a comment and let me know if you were correct"

We get to Logan's house and suddenly I get super nervous 
I get out of the uber and Logan came walking to the gate I geus they saw us
I walk in admiring how beautiful the house really is in person
"You should see this place at night"
"Hopefully one day I will"
We hug and we walk inside
He introduces me to his friends
"You want a tour of the house"
"I ... Please"
Logan took me through the whole house and showed me around outside
"You wanna meet the pigs"
"You can film it if you want"
"Thank youuu would you mind saying hey"
"Not at all"
I grab my camera
"I'm at Logan's house!!!!!"
"Hey guys! What do you call your people"
"We don't have a name at the moment"
"We need to find you guys a name"
"Hopefully soon but guys his going to let me meet his pigs!"

Logan asked Mike to film for us

He took me over to the piggies and omg they are soooooo adorable
We stood with them for awhile talking a little bit and then we went back inside
We sat at the table and talked for awhile
After all of us talking for like 3 hours 
Logan got up " So your vlog what do you want to do"
"I have no idea I was gonna go to a car dealership to see if I can maybe find a cheap enough car for me and then I'd probably just head to the mall and buy some stuff for a stupid challenge"
"I have some ideas ...."

We finished the vlog and I put my camera in my backpack
At this point it's like 5pm and I'm actually pretty tired
"Thank you for helping with the video today"
Me and Logan are sitting outside and it's just getting prettier the longer I am here
"No problem I'm happy I could help you"
"Today was so much fun"
"It was"
"You know your house is so beautiful like I would give anything in the world to live in a house like this"
"I'm really  blessed to have this house ....just keep doing what you are doing one day you could have all of this even more you are good at YouTube so just keep going"
Him saying that meant so much since his literally so good at this YouTube thing
"I should probably head home steph will probably be making food soon so"
"You can stay and  eat here tonight I'll take you home"
"I really don't want to be any trouble"
"Who fucked you up this bad that everytime I wanna do something you think its trouble"
"No one"
"Hmmmm well it's not trouble it will be fun...I also wanna  go show you something and it needs to be dark so hang out here and if gets too late I'm sure we can get you a place to crash somewhere in the house"
"You sure"
"Thank you"
I texted Emily that I'll be out for the night I mean if it's too late I'll go to a hotel so
Logan told his chef that I'll be eating with them tonight
We all sat around  talking and having some fun
When it got dark Logan took me to his room balcony but we then decided to get on the roof which just looked so much more amazing we sat up there for a long time just enjoying the moment
We then went downstairs and ate some food and just hung out for a bit longer
We were standing in the kitchen when Logan put his arm around me and smiled
"I got something I want to show you"
"Umh okayyyy"
"Let's go"
We walked out to his car and we started driving
"Where are we going"
"You'll see"
"Are you like gonna murder me now"
"Well then I'm honoured to be chosen"
We both laughed
And after a long ass ride Logan told me to put on a blind fold
And we continued to drive which was scary!
We came to a stop and Logan got out and Helped me out of the car since I can't see shit
We walked a few steps and Logan took off my blindfold
I was left speechless
"You said you liked looking at city lights and you said that's what made you want to move to LA so"
I turned around and hugged him
"Thank youuu it's so beautiful"
I turned back around and started at this view of all these lights I was slowly tearing up
It's so beautiful
Logan told me to get in the back of the G wagon
He put down a blankets and we both sat in the back of his car looking at the view
I looked over at Logan
"Thank you this is perfect"
"I'm really happy that you like it"
I laid my head on his shoulder and took everything In

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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