Challenges Of A Single Widowed Mother In INDIA

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Although,the Indian Society doesn't accept Single Unmarried Mothers,but legally those mothers can become guardians of their own children.There is no Legal bar in it Unless the custody of such children is Challenged.The Court also ruled that it was not required from the mother to reveal the identity of the father incase of an Unmarried women.

Parenting is not easy and Single Parenting,to be honest,is much more Tougher as its added with many Responsibilities.A single parent has to face Numerous New Challanges on every SunRise.

When my Better Half Passed away,life seemed very was really hard to cope up with all the things back than at that was like an end to my life aswell.But Gradually,i made up my mind,thinking i have a small baby girl whom i have to live for and Mould her to be a good and responsible human being.

But to be Honest that too seemed quite Impossible right then,but once you decide and make up your mind and make a mindset,that to Manage everything by Yourself,Nothing is Impossbile,Like i did.Because i Thought and Analysed Everything very Minutely and Most Importantly,Even The 'IMPOSSIBLE' says ' IM-POSSIBLE ' so why can't i work the things out for Myself.? i questioned myself.

so the result,Here I'm now..Happy as Ever,Living again by Myself for My Daughter and Building up Myself To Build Up My Daughter's Future...

Well,I would not forget to Mention:

I Drew Inspiration from, 'Sushmita Sen' , A single Mother of Two Girls at a mere age of 22. That Influence got me the courage to be,what im being right now Today..

Tough her's and my circumstances are miles apart,but yeah,her example worked out as a great Influence and An Inspiration from what i Learnt a Lot and Am the One what Im Now,For what I'm Proud Of ..Why?Becuase at a Point,I Lost all hope to Live,but now Im Living My Life as Happily as Ever.

But Being a Single Mother and Specifically a 'Widow' ,in India,is quite a Difficult task comparing it to the other countries. Like Talking Generally,n taking, for example,the most awful thing that a single mother or widowed women face is,'The Approch of Another Men' trying to get Close to Her and her life.thats quite Unappealing,if its in terms of his personal benifits which is quite common everywhere mostly,but things are different sometimes too when a person really comes into your life and is really willing to take care of you and your life in a positive way.

But mostly,the difficulties usually faced being a single mother,are-

1] Social Isolation
2]Economic Difficulties
3]Personal Problems.

As Per my Perception,these three i have quoted are the most common difficulties usually faced,many others are there too,but as per my personal experience i have pointed these out here.

Also,I would Like to Enlighten the Difficulties faced being a Single Mom Myself...Few of Em,i'm quoting it below--

1]Struggling to take the Responsibilities and fulfill the duties of both,A 'Mother' and A 'Father' all together.

2]Hard To find a Reliable BabySitter,while going for Work.

3]No social or Financial Support.

4]The Most Common,The Pressure of Getting Re-Married.

5]And the most hardest thing i found is,Unable to spend or give Ample Amount of Time to your Child.

These were the Hardships that usually a Single Parent and specifically a Widow Faces,and im no other. i Too faced these Ordeals in my Hard Phase of Life when everything in Life Seemed to Be Over.But i Faced Them with Courage with a Proper Mindset,always keeping my Daughter's Face ahead,and trying to make myself as hard as i can and making myself Self-Independent on every aspect of life and making myself ready to face any kind of situations coming ahead in Life,may it be as hard as it is,but i will overcome each an every hurdle as i have crossed till now,and now im at this position of life where im happy as ever. i would lead my life ahead in this way,living it for my daughter for making her a responsible and successfull human being in future.

Well,There are Serveral Schemes and Laws, Introduced by the Indian Govt. to which many of Us are unknown,so i would like to put a limelight on few of them,from which the people like us can take benefits from,when in dire need.

1]Welfare Scheme for Single Mother.
2]Mother & Child Tracking System.
3]Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana.

A Few Of them..

Lastly,A shout out to all the Single Mothers and Widows throughout the World,a simple thing to be always kept in mind,

'' Never Lose Hope,If God has Taken Away A Precious Entity that means a Lot to You,Never BE SAD,He Certainly has some Good and Beautiful things kept n Planned up for the Future.So never lose Faith in God,but yeah,it may seem difficult at that very instant during the hard phase but,try to overcome it,work out things,make a proper mindset keeping an aim in life of what you want to see yourself and your daughter in the coming future.And im Sure Life will Be as Beautifull as Ever,Like im personally Experiencing myself now....!!''

By -- Farhad Rahman

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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