The confession

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A month later

Everyone had somewhat gotten over the shock of Virgil's spider side, and we're all acting almost normally. Thomas still didn't know about it though, and was getting a bit upset with all the awkward glances when ever he brought up the subject.

None of the sides had seen Virgil's spider side since that day, and whenever the subject was brought up, he would change it hurriedly.
Thomas could see the exchanged worried glances the sides were sharing with Virgil, and now he had had enough.

He summoned all the sides to him, including Virgil, he wanted this straight from the horses mouth.
"Okay, so, just getting straight to the point..."
The sides looked at one another in worry, they knew what was coming. Virgil looked down in shame.
"... Virgil what's going on? Something happened and I need to know, I'm worried for you"
Virgil chuckled beside the situation, "worrying is my job Thomas" he said in an attempted at sarcasm, though the other could see the rising panic in his eyes which they had come to recognise.
"Kiddo?" Patton said, getting Virgil's attention. "Are you okay buddy?" He asked.

Virgil took multiple deep breaths and looked up at his father figure. "I'm cool, Pop Star, umm but Thomas should know, like everyone else does..." he trailed off, and looked at Thomas who urged him on with a nod.

Virgil again took a deep breath and said to Thomas "w-when I get really panicked, I-i turn into this sorta spid-spider hybrid thing. I only just found out two months ago, so that kinda escalated it cause I was scared of what everyone would think of me and then I got caught by everyone and that's what happened. Please don't hate me" He said very fast, incoherently whispering the last part, overwhelmed by the looks he was getting, the other sides were shocked that he had even admitted what had happened, as he had refused to speak of the occurrence at all.
Thomas though, Virgil was too scared to look at his host, afraid of what he would think of him, afraid that Thomas would think him evil, afraid Thomas should think him a dark side.
He could feel the panic welling up inside him, he had felt it before, the tingling feeling in his eyes and back.

It was happening again.

The last time he had transformed was the time where Patton had accepted him, and that support that the fatherly side had given him, the unconditional love gave him the ability not to change into his darker form for a month.

That confidence that he felt with himself and his flaws was shattered when he looked up at Thomas for a fraction of a second.
His eyes had already become many and purple, as they always transformed before the spider legs burst out of his back. And as Virgil looked Thomas in the eyes with his own, he saw his host's shocked expression.

Look at that, he hates you
No he doesn't
You can see it in his eyes
N-no I can't
Trust me it's there, he hates you

The voice in Virgil head was creaming at him, and Virgil could take it any more, he jammed his good over his head and quickly sunk down hissing his eyes from view as he sunk down into his room.


Thomas stares at the empty space Virgil left behind. His brain was having trouble keeping up with what just happened. The sides were shocked into silence, until Patton softly said
"I'll go check on Virgil"
And sunk down.
Roman was shaken out of his stupor at his words, and let out valiantly "I shall aid you on this quest, Padre!" As he too sunk down.

Logan looked to Thomas, and summoned one of his flash cards, studied it, and looked again to Thomas.

"You good fam?"

I finished the paragraph, I finally stopped procrastinating.
I'm just going to be patting my self on the back rn.
Thank you to @coronavirus2020 for giving me enough encouragement to actually finish this chapter

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