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schlatt groaned, the beeping of his alarm clock pulling him out of his slumber. it was his first day of highschool in london. schlatt stumbled out of bed and to his kitchen, hungry. after eating his cereal, he went to continue getting ready.

wilbur awoke, ready for school. sure, summer was fun, but he missed seeing his friends everyday. plus, he was excited to meet the exchange student that the school had announced on their blog. wilbur cheerfully got ready and started on his walk to school. the air was chilled but wilbur was wearing a sweater, as always. the sleeves were cuffed up and he had on black jeans. wilbur contemplated putting on a beanie, but he decided against it. walking to school, wilbur met with his good friend charlie. they continued their walk together, chatting up until they got to school.

schlatt grabbed his bag and practically ran to the bus stop, barely making it there in time. he took a seat next to a boy with pink hair. the boy was slightly taller than himself but schlatt could tell he was around the same school year.

wilbur sat down in his homeroom, tapping his pencil against his desk. he only had one friend in his homeroom, rhianna, but she sat across the class with her other friend nikki. his homeroom teacher was going over spirit week, which for some reason the highschool still held. no one cared for it. wilbur's ears perked when he heard that the new student would be in his homeroom.

schlatt walked into the school, parting ways with the pink haired boy he had befriended. he waved bye to dave and hurriedly rushed to his homeroom, knowing he was late. he was practically running down the halls, only stopping occasionally when he thought he saw his homeroom number. how embarrassing, a fucking 6'1 high schooler running through the halls looking for his homeroom. schlatt heaved, out of breath as he finally arrived at room 609. he awkwardly peaked in and saw that the teacher wasn't talking so he walked in, hoping to go by unnoticed.

"ah, schlatt! i thought you'd never show up!" the teacher said, wrinkles from smiling running through his face. schlatt sheepishly laughed along, looking for a seat.a boy, who looked more like a man, smiled openly to him, his eyes inviting. schlatt saw that there was an empty seat by him and walked over to him.

"hey- i'm schlatt," schlatt said, as if the boy didn't hear the teacher say his name in front of the whole class.

"well, yeah. i'm ted," 'ted' nicely replied, "homeroom is almost over-- theres about 10 minutes left. wanna compare schedules?" ted asked, in a voice that sounded more like a demand than question.

"sure, if we have classes in common you're automatically going to be my guide, no questions allowed," schlatt said, equally as stern. ted reached into his backpack as schlatt pulled his schedule from his pocket. both the boys placed their schedules on the desk and started comparing.

"ooh," ted said, pointing to one of the teacher's names, "watch out for her, she's a real bitch."

"well fuck me then, teachers fuckin hate me," schlatt replied, barely joking. he read the teacher's full name, "kate rino." odd name.

"anyways, we have a lotta classes together- guess im your unofficial guide," ted joked, "well, great. im stuck with this fucker," ted mumbled, comedically loud so schlatt could hear his joke.

"ay, who ya calling' a fucker?" schlatt said, using a fake brooklyn accent. the boys got along very well- they spent the rest of homeroom laughing together.

wil hurried through the halls to his first period. homeroom had ended while he was in the restroom so he was running late. he got to his classroom just in time and sat down, absentmindedly smiling at whoever was next to him. the boy smiled back and wil had to take a double take-- the boy had light pink hair. wilbur smiled goofily back, slightly upset he couldn't talk to the boy since the teacher was strict. 

schlatt walked through the halls, laughing with ted. they both had second period math with the "evil teacher." schlatt was slightly nervous -- teachers already hated him enough. he talked a lot during lessons, even if he tried not to. him and ted arrived to the room, practically late. there weren't any seats next to each other open, so schlatt couldn't sit with ted. schlatt glanced around the room and saw his friend techno. he smiled and walked to the seat open next to him and sat down. meanwhile, ted sat next to a tall boy with curly brown hair.

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