Chapter 1

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The first time James kissed Lily was in 6th year. The Griffindors had just smothered the Slytherins at a Quidditch match and the common room was full of celebration. It was all joyous shouts and cries of 'pass the food around'.

James Potter was the life of the party, laughing and joking around. Sirius and him had been retelling the events of the match for the 5th time that evening to a pair of eager first years when he, James noticed a certain red head sitting in an arm chair against the window reading a book.Lily Evans. The girl who had him head over heals since the first time he saw her in the Hogwarts express. Also the girl who wouldn't ever love him back. But recently it had gotten better. James was confident enough that she thought of him as a good friend; which was a great improvement since first year.

He grabbed two butterbeers and made his way over to her. Lily look up from her book with a frown. She was one of those girls who hated being disturbed. James knew this all too well, having been in the receiving end of her terrifying bat boogie hexes.

Her frown turned into as smile when she saw who it was. James smiled back handing her a glass. She set her book down, taking the glass of butterbeer from him.

"Aren't you supposed to be there?" Lily motioned towards the crowd with her free hand.

James shrugged as he leant against the window taking a sip out of his glass. "The party can still go on without their star Chaser. Although barely, I must say."

"Quiet modest, aren't we Potter?" Lily asked as James grinned in return. It was that grin which made Lily go weak in her knees and a slight blush rose to her cheeks. She averted her eyes before James could see it, picking imaginary lint from her pyjama bottoms.

As she did so a strand of her hair fell loose from its clip, falling in an elegant twirl. The sight made James's breathe hitch. She looked so beautiful without even trying. He couldn't think of any other girl look so attractive in just plain lilac pyjamas.

He pushed himself of the window and moved closer to her. Before he could think, his hands moved automatically to her face and he tucked the loose strand behind her ear.

Lily turned her head towards him, shocked and eyes wide. James's expression mirrored hers. He couldn't believe himself that he had just done that.

"Lily I- I didn- I don't know why- Merlin I'm so sorry-" James stuttered; for the first time he was at a loss for words. He had just managed to form a decent enough friendship with Lily this year and he has already spoiled it. Now she's going to hate him all over again. His thoughts were running wild. He didn't want to hurt her or make her feel like he was a stalker pervert. He didn't want to ruin his chances with her but he knew he just had.

He still didn't know what to do when he suddenly felt her lips on his. For a moment he was just stunned. It took him a good minute to understand that he was being kissed by Lily Evans. But when he did, he couldn't help the grin that spread against hers.

He couldn't believe his eyes. Lily. Lily freakin Evans was kissing him! The girl of his dreams was kissing him! Evans who he loved from first year. Evans who he thought with whom he had lost his chance just moments ago.

When they broke apart both of them were panting and gasping for air. It felt like they had just ran a marathon. Lily felt as if heart would beat out of her rib cage.

They could hear cheering and chants of 'Potter and Evans' from behind them. But all James could do was grin like a maniac at Lily who looked just the same. His Evans. Her Potter.

Hey guys! Hope you liked the first one.
I'm sorry for the short chapter, I promise to make the others longer. Also please tell me if you liked it or if I need to improve or change something. Prompts and requests are welcome. Please vote and comment <3 
Love you guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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