Chapter 2

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     Rivulet lazily swam in circles on the surface of the water as Dayis watched him from the small island. Occasionally the land walker would toss one of the soggy 'buns', as he called them, towards the bored merfolk to eat. Normally he'd be in full fight mode and would coil his powerful tail beneath him to ready his body to strike. The only problem was that he just didn't have the energy to do so. Being smacked in the face by wave after wave and fighting against the literal ocean had a way of draining the will to move right out of one's body. Sure, he didn't trust the man, but until Dayis proved to be a threat, he wasn't in any hurry to break out his claws.

(When will the giant islands move so that I can leave?) The tired merfolk grumbled through the mind link as he chewed absentmindedly on the hard crust.

(Giant islands? Do you mean the boats out there? They should leave in a few days. They are docked there while they wait for the storm to completely pass.) Dayis explained as clearly as he could, making sure to push the images of boats and storms to try to make the confused fish man understand. After a few moments of connecting mental dots, the idea was clear enough for Rivulet to at least half get it.

(But the storm is gone. The islands... err... boats don't have a reason to stay.) Rivulet angrily pushed back as he stopped his swimming and jumped up to lean on the tiny island once more. His scales itched for the deep waters and he wanted nothing more than to join his family in the warm reefs. Time was passing so quickly while he was stuck in the shallows and if he didn't act soon, he may miss the mating season completely.

(The sky is still pretty clouded over. It will probably rain a few more times before it's all over.) Dayis said as he gave the other man a small timid smile, hoping he didn't get angry again and pull him into the cold waters. His clothes were still soaked from the first time and he preferred to keep his feet on the dry dock.

(Land walkers are weak. Merfolk swim through angry weather all the time.) He retaliated with an added audible growl, despite being a merfolk who failed to swim in a storm. Dayis gave no reaction other than a small scoff and a glare.

(We are not weak. We just can't breathe underwater like you can. If our boats go under we'll drown within minutes.)

     Rivulet raised his brow once more before leaning forwards and shoving the man with his hand, causing the land walker to topple backwards and land with a grunt. (See? Weak.)

     Dayis shook his head as he brushed off his lower half. (Not weak. I just don't want you to touch me with your freaky claws.)

     Lifting his claws to examine them, Rivulet huffed and raised his fins. (They're not freaky. They're sharp. Good size for a male merfolk.)

(They may be a good size for your species, but we don't have claws.)


(We are not weak!) Dayis threw his hands up in exasperation, and the movement causes the timid merfolk to dive quickly beneath the dock. (Oops. Sorry dude. I'm not going to attack you.)

     Rivulet remained beneath the dock and found a stick to poke at Dayis through the slots in the wood. (I'm not afraid. You're weak. I just wanted water. The air is too dry.) He lied as he got a good jab at the man's foot.

     Dayis grabbed the stick and pulled it out of Rivulet's grasp as it gave a sharp poke to his thigh. (Are you not able to breathe air?)

(I can breathe air. I can breathe water. I have a special air sac here.) Rivulet explained as he appeared to the side of the dock and motioned at his chest where two pairs of pink gills flexed open and shut in the water. (Use mouth for air. Use gills for water. Simple.)

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