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Sitting in a hospital bed gives you a lot of time to think. I'd had so much time to think about life and trivial things that I really wanted my brain to shut off for a while. I mean...no one wants to think about dying. Of not having their first kiss, or going to Prom, or-see look...I'm doing it again.

When I'd been diagnosed with cancer at 10, all hell broke loose in my family. Everyone thought it was something that could be blamed on someones genetics...and even if it could, it was stupid for them to argue about it. I've had 7 years since then. And I've sucked as much life as I can out of them, but all good things must come to an end. I'm at the end of my rope so to speak. The Doctor told me I've got about 2 weeks to live. And I guess. It's about time. I do pretty well with accepting the fact...and then I start thinking about all the things I'm going to miss. I don't want to die..but no one does.

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