Chapter 3

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Draco was fidgety. He hadn't seen Hermione since leaving for breakfast as Scorpius had been fussing. She'd insisted she'd be okay and he should just go on ahead of her, but the breakfast had finished and she still wasn't mingling with people outside the castle. At least, he couldn't see her mingling. She might have been, but he had assumed she'd be with Potter and the rest of her Gryffindor entourage. Merlin, Draco was not looking forward to their reactions when they found out he and Hermione had gotten married. Potter hadn't been angry, but Hermione had also told him he was the one most likely to just accept it.

"He knows what it's like to be hated by family," Hermione had told him. The implication that Draco was now part of the family Hermione had made for herself (which included Potter, obviously), had made him smile for almost an hour. Now, though, he was really fighting the urge to disappear back to France without telling anyone new.

"Draco?" a familiar voice said from behind him. Draco spun around to find Pansy grinning at him. He smiled and moved forward to hug her. He hadn't seen her since Blaise's wedding seven years ago and while she'd definitely changed, she was still easy enough to recognise. "Merlin, it's been so long!" she exclaimed. Her hair had gotten longer, no longer short and pointed like it had been in school, but the look fit her.

"How have you been, Pansy?" he asked, waving at Goyle who he'd just been talking to. Goyle waved back and disappeared to find someone else to chat with, though really it had just been Goyle talking and Draco nodding along.

"Oh, good, good," she replied, waving a hand around as if her well-being didn't matter to her. When she linked arms with him and started walking around the courtyard, however, Draco knew she had other plans in store. "Rumour has it you've gotten yourself a wife," she said. Draco scowled. Blaise, that wide-mouthed, git. Pansy patted his arm reassuringly, "Now, now, I promise I'm not too mad about not being invited to the wedding. France in the summer is much too humid and Blaise assured me it was a small affair. Who would have thought, though? Draco Malfoy having a small wedding." She laughed at the thought and Draco rolled his eyes. It had been small because they hadn't wanted to invite anyone from England and Hermione had absolutely refused to have an extravagant ceremony.

"Yes, well I supposed time changes people," he replied. Pansy snorted. It was at that moment he spotted Hermione passing Scorpius over to Harry and smiled as the dark-haired git met his son for the first time.

Pansy must have spotted his stupid smile because her head whipped around to find what he was grinning at. When her eyes fell on the small group surrounding Harry and Scorpius, she frowned.

"How'd Potter manage a light-haired kid?" she grumbled. Draco's smile faded. Of course Pansy couldn't have known Scorpius was his, but that didn't stop him from feeling a bit annoyed that she couldn't tell. Up close, it was obvious who Scorpius's dad was as their light hair and grey eyes matched perfectly. Aside from the slight curl of Scorpius's baby hair, they were identical.

Pansy, of course, didn't seem to care much for Potter and his friends, because she steered them both back towards the Zabinis where Delia and Theodore were playing with some kids Draco didn't recognise. However, Blaise and Daphne were talking to Theo Nott and Astoria was nearby, so the mystery children could very possibly belong to either of them.

"Did you know Potter has a blond baby?" Pansy said by way of greeting. They were met by confused looks as Draco had expected, but Blaise's eyes met his. "Either that or it's Lovegood and Longbottom's child," Pansy mused. That was a much more reasonable conclusion and how she hadn't come to it sooner, Draco wasn't sure.

"Potter has a blond baby, you say?" Blaise asked, his eyes still locked on Draco's. Draco sighed but didn't stop Blaise from picking up Delia from the ground and passing her to Draco. "Uncle Draco's going to take you to meet a blond baby," he said. Delia's eyes lit up and her small arms wrapped around Draco.

And Then The ReunionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora