Chapter Seven - Fun Run, Part One

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The last two weeks were a cluster-fuck of emotions.

I hadn't seen Harry since our wine-fueled confession session meltdown thing-a-ma-jig. We were both entirely too tipsy for him to drive all the way back to Manhattan so I offered for him to spend the night.

On the couch—completely his idea. Neither one of us wanted to be too tempted.

Plus, that wine sneaks up on you like a motherfucker.

Lord knows how much I wanted him to sleep in my bed with me, with his strong arms wrapped around my waist tightly, our legs tangled in one another as our breathing patterns synced from being on top of each other all night. Our skin decorated in afterglow as the glare from the sunrise coats every inch of us.

But we couldn't. Not yet.

Harry was, for the lack of a better word, special. I wasn't sure about lots of aspects of my life but the one thing I knew for certain was that Harry was meant to be in it. Wouldn't have been a terrible idea if he became my life. I wanted our first time to be just as special and not because we were gassed by the alcohol to confront our desires.

The longing for a genuine soul tie boiled inside of me stronger than pyrocastic currents of a volcano, the need to indulge myself into something other than the lava-like substance I called my mind. Eventually the pressure would cause an eruption. And I knew the molten would destroy everything and everyone it crossed paths with.

I refused to let that happen to Harry. It was up to me to settle it.

By the time I woke up a few hours later to get ready for work, he was already gone. The throw blanket and pillows he used were folded up into a neat stack on the couch cushion, with a cute little note scrawled onto a page from his journal on top of it:

This might be the first walk-of-shame that doesn't actually involve any sex.

I didn't want to disrupt your sleep or be in the way while you're getting ready for work. Thank you for an amazing night. Miss you already.

Can't wait for our next Book Club meeting. Who's the president, by the way?


I was most definitely the president.

It was the weekend and enough was enough. Both of our jobs were quite demanding and time consuming which made it hard to make solid plans; the calls and text messages were nothing but a tease. I needed to see him. Harry initiated every single outing we've had so far, it was definitely my turn.

Unwilling to waste any time from the moment the sun forced my eyes open, I grabbed my phone on the nightstand and dialed Harry's phone number. I sat on the edge of my bed as the vibration from the dial tone rung in my ears.

"I don't remember requesting a wake up call." The sound of Harry's morning voice, raspier and groggier (and sexier) than his usual one made my heart flutter inconsolably.

It was hard to catch my breath before responding, "I don't remember asking you what you requested."

Harry hummed out a laugh; I heard the sound of his bed springs readjusting as he most likely sat up in bed to wake himself up. "How are you today, darling?"

"I would be much better if I actually got to see you today," I blushed. The man said the simplest words and my mind reacted as though he performed an entire sonnet for me. "Are you free?"

"I'm always free for you, you know that," Harry replied with a chuckle. "I miss you loads."

I loved how Harry never missed an opportunity to tell me he missed me or how much I was on his mind. It felt amazing to have a requited fascination with someone for once in my life.

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