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Jungkook's second most hated time of day. Lunchtime. Why? He had no friends and usually had no money for food.

Yoongi held the door open to the cafeteria for him and then walked by his side, a large hand on the small of Jungkook's back. Yoongi leaned in to whisper.

"Where do you usually sit, Bun?"

Jungkook flushed at the nickname and the close proximity of them. Did this guy have a thing for putting his hand on the small of Jungkook's back or something? He did it all day when they were walking to class. Whatever the answer, it made Jungkook's stomach do flips every time.

"Wherever has the least people, usually the back corner." Jungkook mumbled.

"Works for me." Yoongi shrugged. He looked around and spotted a relatively empty section of the cafeteria. One table had no one sitting at it. He led Jungkook over.

The duo spotted someone waving them over to their crowded table. The typical 'popular' table where everyone looks the exact same and has no personality. Jungkook didn't like them. He knew the only reason they were inviting them over was because of Yoongi.

"Yo, you two. Come sit with us." A kid called out from the table. Jungkook didn't know why, but he moved behind Yoongi slightly. Either that, or Yoongi moved in front of him. He couldn't tell which because he was too busy panicking at all the attention on him.

"No." Yoongi deadpanned, grabbing Jungkook's hand. Everyone seemed shocked. Even Jungkook.

"Why not? You could make some new friends rather than sitting alone like losers." One of the kids snarked, some annoying snickers coming from the table.

"I'd rather be alone with my human than be 'friends' with the likes of you." Yoongi scoffed, pulling Jungkook along. Jungkook didn't fail to notice the tightened grip on his hand.

The two of them sat together at the table. Jungkook realized quite quickly that Yoongi wasn't exactly the best at controlling his anger. His eyes were bright red and he cracked his knuckles.

"Hey, it's okay." Jungkook soothed, placing a hand on top of Yoongi's balled up fist. "Look at me."

Yoongi did, and the red dimmed almost immediately. He maneuvered his hand so their fingers laced together. He took a few deep breaths and then the red was gone. Jungkook made him calm.

"I don't like how they talk about you." Yoongi spat.

"They didn't say anything." Jungkook raised a brow.

"They implied you were a loser for choosing to sit alone."

"Ah, well. Guess we both don't like how people talk about us." Jungkook mumbled, remembering how many times he heard people thirsting over his demon.

"Let's talk about something else. Where's your lunch?" Yoongi muttered.

"I don't eat lunch." Jungkook shrugged. Yoongi stared at him blankly. Jungkook shrunk back. "I'm...sorry?" He tried.

"So you're telling me," Yoongi lowered his voice as he leaned in, "that you don't eat breakfast or lunch on the daily?"

"Um...sometimes." Jungkook mumbled, breaking eye contact. He scratched his neck sheepishly. "I was kind of too distracted to make anything, having a demon and all."

Yoongi shook his head like a disappointed parent. "That's not good, love. Fortunately for you I brought something." He said as he pulled out a container of food.

"Thank you." Jungkook whispered, eating the food, not caring enough to question where it came from and when Yoongi had time to make it.

"Tch, what am I gonna do with you, huh?" Yoongi mumbled, resting his head on his hand as he watched Jungkook eat. Jungkook looked up at him through his pretty lashes.

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