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"Excuse me? But can you point me in the direction of the-" "Go away kid." A troll said before walking away. I sighed and looked down. Why are these trolls so rude?! I thought to myself before kicking a rock. "Ow! Hey, who threw that?!" I looked up and I saw Draal, the son of the former trollhunter. I gasped and I ran up to him. "I'm so sorry! It was an accident!" I exclaimed looking up at him while squeezing my book. "Who do you think you are?" Draal asked with venom in his voice. I flinched. "I-I'm (Y-Y/N). D-Daughter of (F-F/N) a-and (M-M/N)." I stuttered as I started to shake a little. "Why did you throw a rock at my head?" Draal barked at me. I flinched again trying to hold back tears. "I-it w-was an a-accident!" I stuttered out while looking down.

Draal picked up the rock from before and dropped it on my head. I started to blink back tears as I felt eyes staring at me. "Sorry. That was an accident." Draal said before walking away. I looked back up as tears fell down my face and watched Draal walk away. I glared at him. "Rude piece of.." I mumbled under my breath as I wiped my eyes. I sighed and started to walk around trollmarket again. I walked into this one place to grab a drink and I saw Draal in there. I ignored him and ordered my drink I then sat down at a table and started to read my book while I waited. "Here ya go dear." The nice lady troll said handing me my drink. "Thank you." I said while handling her my payment.

I took a sip of my drink and continued to read my book. "Ahem!" I looked up and I saw Draal. I flinched and backed up. "Would you like to go out with me?" Draal asked with a deadpan expression. I could hear other trolls in the background start to laugh. I then glared at Draal and looked back at my book. "No thank you." I said as I continued to read my book. "Sigh, please?" Draal asked. I slammed my book on the table and glared at Draal again. "Why should i?!" I shouted. Draal backed up a little and the place went quiet. "Sigh, leave me alone." I said as I continued to read my book. Draal walked away from my table and went back over to the other trolls. I took another sip of my drink and turned the page of my book. I finished my drink and left with my book in hand.

I started to walk around trollmarket again before stopping by an art store. "Hello. May I have some paper and a couple of pens?" I asked the troll at the booth. "Sure thing kid." The troll said before walking into the back of the shop. "Hello again." I heard a voice say behind me. I turned around and I saw Draal. "Stop following me. It's creepy." I said turning back around and waiting for my paper and pens. "It's apart of a dare. It's not like I want to follow you around." Draal said standing beside me. "You're the son of the trollhunter, you don't have to do a stupid dare. Thank you." I said as I paid the troll at the booth and then walked away with my things in hand.

"But this is a risky dare. If I don't do it then one of my biggest secrets will get out!" Draal said with venom in his voice. "It's your fault for trusting them with your secret." I said as I started to walk around trollmarket. "What's your problem?!" He shouted. I stopped and he stopped as well. I slowly turned my head towards him and my eye twitched. "My problem? My problem?! You're the one who was being rude towards me after I apologized! And instead of being a man and excepting my apology! You decided to push it and hurt me!" I shouted at Draal. "I wouldn't have done that if you hadn't thrown that stupid rock at me!" Draal shouted back. "You shouldn't have done that and should've just accepted my apology!" I shouted back.

Draal flinched and backed up a little. "Just because you're the trollhunters son, doesn't mean I'm gonna treat you any differently then any other troll here. Treat other's the way you wanna be treated. You treated me very rudely so I assumed you wanted me to do it back to you. Common sense Draal." I said before walking away. I heard trolls oo, and aa as I walked away I sighed and ran the rest of the way home. I opened my door and shut it. I then placed my books down and went to go draw in my room. I sighed as I sat down at the desk in my room. "What a day.." I mumbled to myself as I began to draw.

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