Always in my head

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*the next morning*
"C'mon man, get out of bed!" I hear Emma say as she pulls the sheets off of me and takes away my pillow. I sit up, probably looking like a homeless person. I'd been crying/not sleeping most of the night. "I just don't understand how I could see him again, and not get to him!" I say. "Hey we're in paradise! There's a volcano right next to our hotel! Let's go explore it!" Izzy says to me. Emma's already packing her bag, and throwing an outfit from my suitcase at me, so I guess I don't have a choice. I slip a pair of shorts over my legs, and zone out, as I stare out the window.
*Calums Pov*
I couldn't stop thinking about her. No matter what I did, all I saw was her! She consumed my life! "Awe is little Calum daydreaming about his lost love again" says ashton in a mocking voice. "Hey shut up!" I say. "Her hair was just perfectly curled and her eyes seemed to sparkle like the blue Hawaiian seas." All of the boys laughed, but I don't care. All I care about is her. "Guys please this is serious! Do you think I'm ever gonna find her again?" I say. Luke comes and sits next to me. Then Michael and Ashton come too. Ashton stops laughing and get really serious. "I think if you want her enough, that you'll find her." He says. "Yeah man, love will find its way." Michael tells me. Luke agrees and pats me on the back.
*My Pov*
I gain back my awareness, and hear Emma say "Emme you're so slow at getting dressed!" I quickly put on my white tank top, that Emma handed me, and go into the bathroom. "Wow" I say aloud as I look in the mirror. I look like a homeless rat. "Hey I'm gonna get in the shower!" I yell to izzy and Emma. "Just put your hair up we're going hiking, you can shower when we get back!" I let out a sigh. I put my hair in a braid down my back, and put a little bit of make up on. I'm not super happy with how I look, but it'll do. I come out of the bathroom, and izzy and Emma basically are shoving me out the door. "This is gonna be so fun!! WERE GOING TO BE ON A VOLCANO!! ARENT YOU JUST SO EXCITED?!?" Emma says excitedly. "Yeah whatever" I say. "Emme this will be fun! Stop being sad! You're in Hawaii!" I guess she was right, so I try to forget everything that happened yesterday, and be happy. We don't have a car, cause none of us our 21 so we can't rent one. We get in a tourist bus, the bus driver tells us we have one more stop until we go to the mountain. We all sit down, and wait for the bus too stop again. We all scroll through our phones, and the doors open. A few people walk in, the doors close and I look up. "NO WAY!" I basically scream! "Emme is that you?!?" I hear. "It's me!!!" I say back! I run up and hug my friend Cambree! "I didn't know you were coming to Hawaii!?" I say to her. "I didn't know you'd be here either!" She says back. Emma and izzy hug her, and we talk for a while when she asks me if I've seen Calums posts and if I went to the concert. "Boy I've got a story to tell you!" I say to her!
The bus comes to a stop and we get off. We find the trail that leads to the top, it says it's only a mile to the top. We all start walking together, and I start telling Cambree everything that has happened with Calum, and occasionally Emma and Izzy make comments and freak out! We make it too the top, and I finish telling Cambree how the concert ended. "NOOO HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN!!?!? YOU GUYS ARE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER!" She yells and starts to freak out! "I know it sucks I didn't want to get out of bed this morning!" Then we turn, and look down into the volcano, and out over the island. "Wow this is beautiful!" Izzy says. "Yeah okay I need to go find the bathroom up here!" Izzy Cambree and Emma all turn and start walking towards the bathroom. "Aren't you coming?" Emma asks. "Nah I'll just stay out here." I say back. They leave and I sit down at the edge of the mountain. I look out over the island. It really is a breath taking sight, that I could stare at forever. Then my thoughts make it back to Calum. "Oh where could you be? How am I gonna find you with all of these people?" I whisper under my breath. All the girls come back, and we head back down too the mountain. We get on the bus, and go to Cambrees hotel. She's just here with her family, so she tells her parents, and she grabs her luggage and comes back to our hotel. By the time we get home, it's about 10:00pm and everyone's hungry, so we order a pizza. It gets here and everyone eats, but not me. I can't get Calum out of my head. I decide to get in the shower. I stay in there for a long time. Letting the hot steaming water run down my back. All I'm thinking about is Calum. He's never gonna leave my thoughts. I eventually get out and put some fuzzy pajamas on, lied down on my bed, put my earphones in, had wherever you are on repeat and fell asleep, thinking about Calum.

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