Chapter 1

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“Just a minute “am so nervous, it’s my first day in collage and mom is really scared for
Me.Am so happy because I will finally have all the freedom I have always wanted.

“Make it quick dear Tobias is waiting in the driveway “.I quickly put on my best heeled shoes as I storm out of my room feeling so bad that I will really miss my beautiful bedroom.
Mom is all over me the moment am downstairs giving me all the please take good care of yourself for me and your dad. I suddenly feel the urge to stay at home with her, I will really miss her delicious dishes. She reaches to wipe a lone drop of tear on my check that reminds me that am crying. “I’ll miss you so much mom” I manage to tell her after a long silence.

“It’s okay baby it’s just a three hour drive you can always pay me a visit when you are free. I asked Tobias to go with you so you get to school safely I know you are now an adult and you already know how to maneuverer yourself in the highways, I just can’t help but be worried, I will really miss you so much….safe journey dear” she finishes pulling out of our twenty minute hug.

” bye mommy” I yell once am at the driveway where Tobias has been waiting for me patiently.

“Can we now go senorita” that is Tobias I just love his Italian accent.

“So fucking ready Tobias “
Am at the school pavement alone with my briefcase where Tobias left me after promising me to take good care of my parents for me and give me a call in case of anything.

“look who we have here” somebody stuttles me from somewhere behind me.

” of course you are new here “she says more to herself .she is beautiful, a brunette with green eyes her face is covered with tones of makeup but she looks cute, I must say she really is good at applying make-up. Her hair is flowing in her back with four lines braided on one side of her head.

“Ooops forgive my manners ,I'm Kassie.

“she says offering her hand which I gladly shake .I will get along with her so much ,she just can’t stop talking

“Danny” is all I say .

“Hey Kassie, I have this letter that is supposed to lead me to my hostel but I can’t seem to find my way there” I say out of nowhere and she is quick to take the letter from my hand.

"Woow, this is officially the best day ever….this is my room number……. Do you know what this means you are my roomie yaaay …she yells as the drags my briefcase through the hallway and I follow her like a lost sheep.
The room is big enough for the both of us, she has beautiful stickers of animals on her side, she must love animals to bits. 

“I’ll help you with the briefcase, feel at home roommate “she says as she begins arranging my stuff in the closet .she groans when her phone rings but she smiles when she notices the person calling I guess.

"Heeeey……am good…….in my room……okay am waiting for you guys. ” is all she says and she hangs up.

" lets clear this mess before my buddies arrive, they will be here in like twenty minutes or so …that is enough for us to finish up."

“Are they like schooling here?” I suddenly become curious to know them but Kassie is quick to say, "Yeah they school here …well some of them are way ahead."

“They are here “she literally jumps from her bed to the door when she hears a knock. The first guy to get in must be her boyfriend since she smiles at him then rushes to his arms .He gathers her in his arms and presses her tightly against him then kisses her hair. Once she pulls out she turns to look at me with a smile.

“This is Zac my man”.
The way she says her man makes my heart flutter .It’s always fascinating to me to see people in love.

“Guys this is Danny, my new roommate. Danny these are my friends Alec, Curtis, Jake .They get in and flop on my bed as the Alec guy seats on our studying table. He is good looking, with nice dimpled smile and his whole appearance screams fuckboy. He is tall and lean with well-defined muscles and messy hair.

“You are staring at me.” He says with a smile and walks to seat beside me on the bed.

“I was not ………”I stutter…. These boys make me very nervous

“So what do you do for fun?” he asks out of nowhere and am tempted not to reply but he keeps bugging me to give him the answer.

” okay fine, I watch movies, happy “.

“Very happy munchkin "he says with a huge smile.

“Hey, it’s Danny “.

“To me its munchkin you better get used to it “

“Hey Alec just let the chick be”. The guy on Kassie’s bed says which brings my attention to him .Alec had made me forget that there were people in the room. He is focusing on his phone.
I take the advantage of the moment to steal glances at him.
He is tall just little bit taller than Alec and Zac .His hair is a dark mop and his eyebrows are thick .He is wearing dark jeans and  maroon sweater which is clinging to his chest.
I notice Curtis has not said a word since they arrived and he seems to be so distant .He is doing something in his laptop and he looks kind of worried .I turn to Alec who is busy typing a text message in his phone.

“Is Curtis okay? He looks kind of odd “.

“Naah it’s nothing he can’t handle munchkin just let him be, he’ll be fine” He says without even looking at me 

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