Chapter 9

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Its on a Wednesday, the week is going so slow and Kassie is still so quiet i really miss the noisy and disturbing Kassie. We are going to her home for her dad's burial.I'm in a black sleveless dress, i put my back scarf around my neck and i go back to the bedroom where kassie is burried in her phone. Kassie is really growing thin since i usually force food down her throat and I don't like it.

She still cries when she remembers the vedio that is going viral, those goons had the guts to record their evil acts,  how they killed him until he took his last breath, threatening to kill everyone who investigates about them in the most painful way.

We are ready, the boys should be here any minute from now.

"C'mon girlfriend you need to start cheering up already i miss the happy you, the crazy you." I tell her moving to seat with her on her bed.

"Its just that i can't take it in, that i won't be seeing dad anymore, like it all happened suddenly Danny. I just can't take it." she snobs "the last time i saw him he was happy in his feet and all that....  now he is lying lifeless in a casket." she adds.

I pull her into a hug.
"I know... "

"You don't know. You still have both your parents alive and kicking. You don't know, Danny. YOU DON'T." she is practically yelling.

"Okay i don't know but atleast i can tell how painful it is by just looking at you." i lower my voice "but you can't live the rest of your life mourning and crying you need to get over it. You need to be strong, for your mom... She needs you more right now." i say making her to calm down and stop crying atleast for now.

"But i still need time to let everything in,  it will take time."

"Its okay, you have a right to mourn him. Its okay to cry it out. But please be okay for us Kassie, for Zac. I'm pretty sure he misses the cheerful you."

The boys are here. There is a knock at the door before they come in.

Alec gets in first pulling me in to a bear hug.
"Hey munchkin."

"Hey." I say pulling out of the hug.

Zac goes straight to where Kassie was standing. He pulls her in to a hug kissing her hair briefly.

"You okay?" He asks her.


"We should get going." Jake looks impatient.

We  head to the parking lot where zac and Jake parked their cars. These guys are fucking rich. I have never seen their cars Jake's Black Lamborghini is parked near Zac's white Audi.

"I'm riding with Kassie and curtis." Zac says leading Kassie to sit shot gun and Curtis slides in the back seat.

"I'll catch up with you guys at Kassie's. I promised ciara to tug her along I'll go get her."Alec says leaving.

Jake heads to his car. 
"You coming?" he shouts when i keep standing popping his head out through the window.

I sit shotgun buckling my seatbelt. My phone buzzes in my pouch and I retrieve it.

Its mom. I Pick the call hoping that everything is okay.


Hey baby.

Hey, you okay?

Yeah am fine.

Is dad okay?

Yeah he is fine. I called to ask you how you would like your party to be.

That reminds me, my birthday is on Saturday and with  everything happening I had forgotten.

Yeah about that. I'm not sure, I have not thought about it. i was a little held up somewhere.

Okay think about it and give me a call once you have decided

Okay I will. Say hi to Dad for me.

Hunging up i hold the phone in my palm. I glance on Jake,  he is focusing on the winding road ahead.

Its been thirty minutes since we started the journey.I hope its not so far I hate traveling and Jake driving like a maniac is not helping. My heart is literally in my throat. Am clutching my phone with all the might my knuckles are turning white.

"Can you please slow down." i say trying yo keep calm.

"No I can't." He says Focusing on the road.

"May be you should drive like a normal human. I don't what to die."
I Snort. i don't want to die young.

He chuckles.
"Relax you won't die."

"Just slow down and please stop grinning it is pissing me off."

He is seriously making me worked.

"I can't drive in the speed limit it will be like we are crawling."
He says stepping on the gas even more.

"Do you wan't to kill us or something." I yell.

"Don't yell at me please."

"Then slow the damn car."

We finally arrive at kassie's house after deciding to shut up because the dickhead was getting in my nerves. I get out of the car swearing to not ride with Jake ever again.

Their mansion is so huge. There are people Already here some inside others outside and the cars in the driveway leaves me wondering how people can be this reach. There are prominent people here including ministers. Mr. Young must have been very famous.

Zac comes in almost immediately after we come in, he parks just beside Jake's. We are shown in by a middle aged woman in work uniform.

"Hello Jake you guys never visited again after Kassie's birthday party."A lady in her mid thirties accuses. She must be Kassie's mom.

"Sorry we have been a little held up. But the good thing is we are here  and our condolences for your loss."

" Thank you ..... where are the others and who is this beautiful lady?  is she your girlfriend?" She asks with a huge smile.

"No I'm not," i quickly say. "I'm Danny kassie's roommate and friend."I add.

"Pleased to meet you." She gives me a pague. "Speaking of kassie,  where is she." she asks looking over our shoulders to the door.

"She  should  be here in a minute or so." jake says and right on cue Zac and kassie comes in with Curtis following them.

"Mom... " she says heading to where her mom was standing. She embraces her.

"Everything will be fine dear."
"How are you mom?"

I turn heading to Mr young's casket. His casket is white and his picture has been placed on top of it , he is Lying lifelessly in a white suit. i can't imagine how it feels to loose a parent....

Jake stuttles me.

"Of course it had to be you." i snort rolling my eyes.

"Are you mad at me?" He raises  eyebrow all the way up.

"What do you think?"
I'm really pissed am not going to talk to him until he apologizes. The son of a bitch could have killed me. I turn leaving him behind. I'm going to respect Kassie's dad we can't fight even at a waige.

Hello people i know i took too long to update... My appologies. I happen to be a little busy.

Have fun ☺😊
Please give the star a colour. LOL❤

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