chapter 3

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Where is that damn nerd.
I walked in too the classroom excepting him to be sitting in the back of the class. Writing in that note book of his.
But he wasn't there. Maybe he is just late or something. He is usually here at this time. I take my seat and place my legs on my desk leaning back in my chair.
The class started to fill up with all of the extras.
The bell then rang and the teacher walked in.
I look back at deku's chair and he still wasn't there. I turn back to look at the teacher.
"Ok class today we will be learning how you will be talking the entrance exam".
I didn't bother to listen. I'm way better then all these losers. I dont need to learn this type of stuff. I look at the classroom door excepting that damn nerd to walk in at any second.
The class went on and on.
It was boring. I didn't want to admit it
,but I really hope that damn nerd didnt take my advice yesterday.
Maybe he is just sick.
The bell soon rang I got up leaving the class. I didn't have any thing to do after class so I just walked home.
"I'm home" I called out has I opened the door to my house. There was no response. I guess no one is home. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of chips. Then flopped down on my bed. I scroll through my phone to pass the time. I got tried and fell asleep.

Next day
I woke up to the the beeping of my alarm clock.
"OH SHIT" It was already 7:40 class started in 20 minutes. I jumped out of bed and ran to my closet. I threw my clothes on and ran to the bathroom. I aggressively brushed my teeth.
I then ran down stairs not bothering to cook my own food I stole my mom's waffle off of her plate. I ran out of the door hearing the old hag yelling. I ran all they way to school and eat the waffle on they way.
I got to class with a minute to spare. I was huffing and puffing because I was out of breath from running all the way here. It is usually a 10 minute walk but I got here in five minutes.
I looked to the back of the class to see deku sitting there. I was about to yell at him but the teacher walked in.
"Take your seat Bakugo"
'Tsk' I sat down. I was some what glad that that damn nerd didn't kill him self. I look over at him and he has this different feeling. I don't know how to explain it really.
His eyes from what I could see were dull. I didn't care for him though.
Class went on.
Near the end of class the teacher said something that got my blood boiling.
"After spending some time yesterday organizing your high school choices, I found out that only Midoriya and Bakugo want to go to UA. I thought more of you would want to be a hero".
"WHAT" I stormed over to that damn nerd.
I then kicked his desk. He didn't flinch which kind of surprised me. Deku had a band-Aid on his cheek. I didn't give that too him but I don't care.
"Don't worry kacchan I not going anymore"
Izuku said in a very monotone voice.
I was taken back by his response. did he finally give in and decided not to be a hero.
I stomped back to my seat. And aggressively sat down. What is the nerd up too what does he mean he's not going anymore. I mean it's not like he would get in anyway.
After class I went to the school gate and waited for him. He soon came around the corner and it looked like he had a skateboard. When did he learn to skate,never mind. He was about to walk by me but I grabbed him by his wrist.
He flinch like he was in pain.
"What do you mean you not going anymore" I said trying not explode from anger.
"Just what it sounds like i'm not going to apply for UA."
"I would never be able to become a hero, just like you said" he kept the same monotone voice.
"..." I stayed quiet I didn't know how to respond to that.
"Thank you for pulling me out of my dreams and telling me the reality, bakugo".
He hopped on his skateboard and started riding away before I can scream at them again.
"Did he just call me by my name" I asked myself. What happened to him.
I walked home trying to get an idea of what is wrong with him, but nothing seemed to fit what he was doing.
I opened the door and just walked to my room.
I played on my phone for a couple of hours till
the old hag then burst into my room.
She walked over to me and slapped the back of my head.
"Hey have you talked to Izuku lately" she asked looking a little concerned.
"No, why" I said back still a little mad she hit me.
"Well Inko just came over, she was looking really worried Izuku wasn't home when she got there"
"The last time I saw him was when he was leaving school" I was a little concerned now too. What is deku up too.
"Oh well ok dinner will be ready in five minutes,ok"
"Yeah ok"
She then left my room closing the door behind her. My thoughts were only fill with that damn nerd.

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