Episode 1: kitchen

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The cheap waffle mix is poured into the waffle press and in a few moments y/n is finished. at the same time a slice of bread is cut and put in a toaster. You get up out of the waffle maker.

"Where am I" you ask looking around the kitchen.

"You are y/n a waffle in frog's kitchen

"Ooh so what do I do" you ask looking around frogs kitchen.

"Idk you're a waffle, buy a plate, get a job, find a lover, get eaten whatever you want but get out of the way I need to make more waffles" the doctor says pushing you away from the waffle maker.

"Ooh ok" you say as you start to walk along the counter. Suddenly a doughnut leaps out of nowhere

"Hello there young waffle would you like a job at the frogs kitchen gaming store" the doughnut holds out a clipboard and a pen.

You think over your options, you don't have a job and this would be an easy source of income.

"Sure I'll join the company" you say.

"Great you start your shift in twenty two hours" the doughnut.

"I'll be your boss Jim Boston sign your name on this clipboard and your hired"

You reach out and sign your name on the clip board and hand it back to jim.

"great my name is y/n see you soon boss" you say as you walk away.

"Goodbye y/n" Jim says as he turns away.


You're walking around the counter looking at different stores waiting for you job to begin eventually you start to get tired and sit down on a bench. You sit watching the chaos of frogs kitchen. A news reporter is talking about the new game 'fork knife', new waffles and toasts being made.

Suddenly you are pulled out of your thoughts as a coffee sits down next to you. The coffee is wearing a 'cabbage wars mug.

You sit there nothing is said as you two watch frogs kitchen grow darker. eventually the coffee gets up and goes home. You start to get up and see a small bag you pick it up thinking the coffee left it behind. As you pick up the bag you realize there's a sticky note on it. It says 'to get you started' you look in the bag and inside is a few dollars and a map of frogs kitchen. You pick up the map and look at the map eventually finding a hotel near you and start walking.

After about an hour of walking you arrive at the 'silverware drawer' you walk up to the receptionist

"Can I get a room' You hesitantly ask.

"Name" the receptionist asks you without looking up.

"y/n" you reply getting sleepy

"Would you like the regular room or the luxury room sugar" the piece of bacon looking up and adjusting their glasses.

"Regular" you say fumbling around for your money.

"That'll be 20 dollars for one night" the receptionist says holding their hand out.

"One minute you say as you begin dropping that coins all over the ground trying to pick them up. After a few minute of embarrassing yourself you manage to get your money in hand and hand it to the receptionist.

"Have a great night sugar" they hand you the keys labeled '7b'.

"Thank you you say as you enter the hotel lobby. There are people playing cards. Someone sitting on a couch. You walk down the dimly lit hallway labeled b eventually you reach your room and open the door .

You lose the door behind you you set down the bag and keys. You walk over the the mirror and check your self out
Before walking over to the mini fridge and take out a butter-soda. you sit on the side of the copper colored hotel bed sheets drinking your soda. You finish it up and throw the can into the recycling bin before tucking yourself into bed and eventually falling asleep.


You wake up in a giant bowl filled with butter in a dark void a disco ball glows above you. As you spin around you see a bunch of giant dancing rats while mr cyan sky plays faintly in the background.

Suddenly you awake from your nightmare with five hour before tour job starts.

You toast my soul (Toast x waffle reader)Where stories live. Discover now