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Gilbert: hey carrots

Anne: have you not learnt from when i broke my slate on your face

Gilbert: i- i dont think so

Diana: Anne! Come quickly, Matthew is here!

Anne: at school?

Diana: he says its an emergency

Matthew: Anne! Its the carrots!

Anne: the wha-

Matthew: the carrots are dying and I've tried everything and i need them for the fair-

Anne: and you called me?

Matthew: well, since you've been spending time out there everything's gotten bigger

Billy: the carrot has a magic touch with the carrots

Josie Pye: shut UP

Anne: *leaning in and whispering* talk to them

Matthew: wha-

Anne: shhhhh! Talk to them. Make up a story ......

Matthew: about?

Anne: Princess Cordelia. She's a figment of my imagination. Just make up a fairy tale

Matthew: wha-

Anne: go! This is weird and embarrassing

Matthew: *leaves*

Gilbert: Princess Cordelia huh

Anne: dOnT-

Undoubtedly A Piece Of Garbage (Anne with an E)Where stories live. Discover now