"The Storm Fortress" (Hardest Ship in the game)

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This has caused me many problems.. but i beated it.. so ill share my strat

Not Recommended (Death Rate 100%)

Go for its broadside cannons, TSF has 75 Broadsides and it only uses heavy shot (thankfully only short range)

Go near the broadside/ front, TSF has a fast maunverbility and it could attack you with the broadsides and it has 12 front cannons

DO NOT get cornered by the 3 ships (Argonaut, TSF, Sceptre) by what i mean is dont get yourself stuck in the middle of the twin ships and get blocked by the TSF [You Will Immediatly Die, Except if you have max health, then you could have 1 mini bar left]

RECOMMENDED (Death Rate 15%)

Once Keeping your distance (to Regernate Ship Health) Use the flamming barrels to weaken TSF

Go for its back (either ram it then use explosive shot, heavy fire it, or set it on fire)

Once Christoper Yells "i cant tell the difference from friend to foe!" bring the twin ships near the TSF and get away from it (the fog will make the 3 ships fight eachother)

ALWAYS and i mean ALWAYS use the mortars (it knocked off 15 mini health bars off the TSF)

When the TSF has been defeated, weaken argonaut or the sceptre and destroy the other one, its weak health gives you an advantage.

Wooo i got extremely happy when i defeated the TSF it took me 15 tries and i won while having a hair left of health, trust me i yelled louder than a jet engine It feels amazing after winning the fight against the 4 legendary ships

35-50 Broadside cannons (weak)
8 front cannons (normal)
4 back cannons (weak)
After defeating The Sceptre it gets pissed and gains a Ram (Strong)

Same stats as the Argonaut

75 Broadside cannons (Strong)
12 Front Cannons (Strong/Normal)
2-6 back cannons (Weak/Vunerable)
Mortars (Damage 7600) (Extremely Strong) [Slow Cooldown]

Ally ships distracts the TSF, making it vunerable for Heavy shots and mortars

That Kinda Felt good helping others in failing to defeat Storm Fortress

The Master Of The North Atlantic (Gold Trophy) Info: Beat All Legendary Ships/Battles

"Templar Master" Info:Earned after beating all legendary battles. Use:A Custom Outfit for Shay Cormac

Kraken Sails Info:Earned after beating all legendary battles. Sails that showoff the legendary animal, the kraken/ Use:Customizing The Morrigan

Kraken Wheel Info: Earned after beating all legendary battles. A special wheel that represents the legendary animal, The Kraken Use: Custotimizing the Morrigan

Kraken Figurehead Info: A Figurehead Rumored to once belonged to the most feared and powerful vessel in the north atlantic, The Storm Fortress Use: Customize the Morrigan

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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