Chapter 50

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I’m sorry we’re not taking a spring break trip but with the mom and dad situation I guess it wouldn’t be a good idea.  I’ll be home on Friday night and be there for the BCA invitational track meet the next morning and for Haylee’s birthday the next day.  Rachael and I are leaving on Monday to spend a few days on South Padre before I have to get back to Trinity for a road game.

Oh, I can’t wait to hug you!




Something really odd happened this morning in the BCA admin offices.  Some state auditors came in with a subpoena to review our financial records.  What the heck, right?

BCA’s treasurer, Andy Morrison, was one of the leaders in the ‘anti-Amani’ faction.  You don’t suppose…nah, I’m turning into a conspiracy buff.

See you for lunch on Thursday.


My beautiful grandchild,

Your dad told me about the trouble between my two grandsons.  I want you to know that while I don’t think you should have interfered with Johnny’s military posting without his knowledge, I do admire you thinking about the family for generations to come.

When Johnny gets back to the states, I’m going take the two of you fishing.  I’ll get us a boat and we’ll go off shore, just the three of us, and everything will be okay.

I’m going to be there for the track meet and your grandmother and I will be at Haylee’s birthday.  You’re my only grandchild I don’t have to say ‘do your best’ to – I know you always do.

I love you,

Grandpa Ferguson

“You look stupid.”


“Have fun with dad and what’s-her-name tonight.  Don’t create an awkward situation by mentioning me.”

“Our father loves you, Haylee.”

“Our father doesn’t remember me.  You know, whatever.  Now get over here.”

Amani paused, searching his sister’s face.  She seemed relaxed and calm to the point of having no discernable facial expression.  Her pupils were contracted down to pinpoints, and the effect was disturbing.

“Come on, I’m not going to bite you.”

Amani walked over to her and she pulled him into a hug.  It was a nice hug, warm and soft.

Their mother walked into the kitchen.  “Who are you, and what have you done with my children?” she asked.

“Oh, funny lady,” Haylee said.  “Any chance you can get little Perk into clothes suitable for public consumption?”

“Amani has decided what to wear and…that’s what Amani will be wearing.”

“You think he looks stupid, too.”

“Haylee!  She’s cute.”

Haylee looked at her mom, rolled her eyes and shook her head.  Zach drove up outside.  “I gotta go,” Amani suggested to the two of them.

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