Choose you

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I want to see you,
but you don't want to see me.
I like you,
but you don't like me.

I love you,
but you don't love me.
I care for you,
But you don't care for me.

What else? You've always make me feel that I'm nothing
But a worthless one.
Will you please fight for me?
But of course you won't, won't you?

When I hold you,
but you let go of me.
When I wait for you,
but you didn't come back for me.

When I walk unto you,
but you pass through me.
When I run unto you,
but you go away.

Even if you've hurt me
The fact that I'm always there for you...
Will always CHOOSE YOU,
even if you don't Chose Me Back.

I hope y'all like this
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