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A/N- this is angst with a fluffy ending, enjoy!!!)

America woke, his heart pounding, and sweat covering his body. "ohgod-" He quickly ran to his bathroom, which was connected to his room, and made it just in time. Once he was done, he was still shaking and sobbing, the night-terror still effective on his brain.

His brain, clouded with thoughts, reached for his phone, which was set next to him on the marble countertop.
He felt a need to call someone, anyone, to get away from these intrusive thoughts.

He unknowingly dialed his one boyfriends number, Prussia, unknowing of what was going on, picked up, as he saw America's phone number pop up on the phone screen.
"Prussia- I need help- Uhm- I-"
"Hey, hey, America, calm down please. What's going on!?" Prussia asked, concern and worry lingering in his voice.
"That's the problem I- uhm- can't even calm down- I had a nightmare and I can't calm down!"
Prussia heard the sobs, and quickly responded, "Alright, I'm going to call Denmark and we're coming over, alright?"
"Please be quick- I'm not calming down- I don't know why-"
"We'll be right there."
Prussia speedily texted his other boyfriend, Denmark, who was probably asleep.
'Wake up. We need to go help Alfred, he had a nightmare and we need to be there quick, he's not calming down at all.'
Denmark, who woke up at the text, jolted up and quickly put his shoes on. He ran out the door and into his car as fast as he could, and drove off.

Prussia, on the other hand, was already speeding there. (But Denmark lives closer to Alfred, so he doesn't know who'll get there first.)

Prussia got there first, fumbling with his spare key to America's house. As he was fumbling with the keys, Denmark got there and they ran inside, slamming the door shut.

They heard America from his room and quickly because worried as they ran faster. They slowed their pace and walked into the room attached to Alfred's bedroom.

Prussia and Denmark quickly dropped to the ground to help their boyfriend calm down, whispering sweet nothings into his ear and rubbing circles on his hand and back, which calmed him down quite quickly.

"Hey, Alfred, what happened?"
"I'm sorry- I had a nightmare, it won't happen again-"
Denmark shook his head in response. "That's not what I mean, we'll always be there for you, Alfred. I'm asking what caused this."
Prussia picked up America and began walking to America's bedroom. "We don't need to know that right now. We just need to make sure our baby is safe and comfortable." Denmark smiled and stood with him, "You're right." Prussia threw Ame onto the bed, which cause him to giggle, and his two boyfriends to smile. "Alright, cuddles?" Alfred nodded, "Cuddles." At those words, Prussia and Denmark hopped into bed with their adorable boyfriend, squishing him in the middle. "Goodnight, loves." Prussia announced, which caused America and Denmark to reply, "Goodnight, knight of awesomeness." And they fell asleep peacefully and comforted by eachothers presence.

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