The boy and Angel

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There was and Angel who was blessed with gracious beauty and a kind heart. She had hazel eyes, soft brown hair, smooth pale skin and huge white wings. She had a dream, it was to be with the humans. She was the daughter of the grand Deity. Her mother granted her wish. She went to a place where she saw a cave. Unware of her surroundings she went inside the cave to discover a werefox family. "leave human" said the male werefox. "But im not human" the Angel said. "The what are you" asked the male. "im an Angel, the name is savannah" she said. Then she learned the werefoxes name, Zhivago (is that right?) and that was the beginning of a friendship. One day Zhivago found a human boy named Ban. Savannah went to the spot her and Zhivago would meet for her safety. She found the boy there with him. She was frightened not knowing if he was a demon or not considering she had never met a human only monsters and demons. He had spikey blue hair, pale skin and red iris eyes. "Z-Zhivago is that a human?!?!?" she asked. "Why yes, his name is Ban no need to be afraid." he replied with a light chuckle. "oh well, hello dear human may i ask what a human like you culture is?" she asked gently. "why would you want to know you human too!?" he spat. She took a step back startled by his sudden outburst. "actually Ban she isn't human" said Zhivago. "then what is she" he ask. "not human" he replied scared if he told his friend would get a risk in safety. The next week or so they had fun together and Ban grew attached to the Angel. Humans were getting suspicious about her so she knew she needed to find a certain person. And to do that she had to flee leaving the poor child alone with Zhivago. "Do not cry my child im sure we will meet again. Just know that your important and some day you will do something extraordinary i know it. Now take care my child till we meet again." she then hugged him and kissed his head. Before she made a foot away he held her hand and said "When we meet again i promise i will win your heart and your love will be mine!!" he cried. She then left saying her goodbyes. She traveled long and far but she found the person she searched for. She found the demon traitor.....Meliodas dragon sin of wrath.

Present day

Savannah pov~

"Savannah we need to find the rest of the sins. Since we have Diane and where going to find Ban.....and since your an angel do you have anything that can track the others??????" asked Meliodas. "I'm sorry but Angels like me don't have any abilities by that source." I respond. "But who is ban? when i met you the sins were banned so who is ban?" i ask remembering the young child i met realizing its not the same Ban. The ban i knew would be in a much higher status then a criminal like that not a murderer. "Ban the fox sin of greed" he replied i nodded.

~Time Skip to the prison~

A man with spiky blue hair and iris eyes walked out of the shadows. I then noticed its the same Ban from years ago. I took out my wings and flew over to him. "B-Ban is that you my sweet child?!?!" i ask tears coming down my face. "Savannah is that you" he asked and i nod. We then hug in a tight embrace. "Wait your an Angel" he asked mind blown. "Yes my dear Ban, i am i never told you because i was afraid for my safety and if i told you, you would be at risk too" i say. Then him and Meli did a arm thing and we left.

~Back At The Boar Hat~

Later everyone had a party outside and started getting drunk except Elizabeth hawk and I. "Hey guys i think we should head inside its getting really dark and your wasted" i say. "your such an Angel looking out for us" said a really wasted Meliodas. I roll my eyes and spread my wings out flying to Diane. "oh my, are you okay you look sick and droopy??" i ask. Then we head inside Ban was asleep on the bed so i took out my blue silk nightgown and went to fall asleep on the bed when i heard soft sobs. "Ban are you alright??" i ask concerned. He then turned to face me "Ever since i met you i fell in love with you and i made a promise to win your heart and make you love me but it isn't working why wont you love me" he cried. I smiled and said "oh my dear Ban, i know that and i believe you'll do that but i don't know if its possible considering Angels aren't supposed to fall in love with humans" he cried more and i felt really bad. "can you just be my lover for one week, and if i manage to make you fall in love with me then you will be mine forever deal??" he said hopeful. "fine but only if you get some rest my dear Ban, okay?" i say. he nods and smiles making me smile. He puts his arm around my waist, and pulls me closer to him and made his head snuggle into the crook of my neck. hen i fell asleep.


I was Walking down a aile when i saw ban and everyone else at the alter. Then flashed to ban and i at the beach kissing with wedding rings. Then it showed us in a room with us in a bed and i had what looked like a nine month pregnant stomach. Then flashed to see me in a bed him in a chair and Elizabeth walking up to us with a baby boy in her arms and she gave the baby to us. "Aiden" i whisper. I was now in a flower field when i saw Ban and i with a small boy. We looked so happy. i didnt understand what this meant. Then mother came while the other me was in a different direction ways away. I scream bans name while the other me ran to them screaming Ban and Aiden. Mother killed them. I cried while the rain poured. "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU FALL FOR A HUMAN! YOUR NO DAUGHTER OF MINE!" yelled mother. Then she killed me.


I woke up sweating and panting. I held a hand on my chest while trying to calm down my breathing and heart rate. "Savannah are you okay!?!?!?!" asked ban worried. I looked at him while tears ran down my cheeks. I cried in his chest. "I-I had a vision. It was horrible. It involves you and I. I was scared when i woke up because i needed to see if it really was a vision and not reality." i cried. That lasted until i fell asleep again.


"M-Meliodas can i speak with you?" i ask. "yeah whats up?' he asked. "I had a vision" i say. He could tell i was serious and nervous. I told him my vision and he looked scared and shocked. "I don't know what to say, i mean having a vision like that. I guess it might mean it will be bound to happen but will it have a good or bad ending. I guess its saying it will happen but fate will decide the ending" he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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