~*~T.N "Lilly" W-B~*~ School's Bully

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My mother always tells me to be home before dark but I never listened until one day when I was attacked on the way home by someone from my school. "Tricia, come down please, it getting late," Mom called from downstairs, several times. My day began like any other day, got dressed for school but couldn't find my favorite lucky socks. "Mom, do you see my red socks?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen where she was making breakfast for us both since it was just me and mom now.  "Did you check the dryer since you didn't fold the clothes as I asked you to do yesterday." She said and kissed my cheek, smiling.

Opening the closet door to the washer/dryer combo, checking for my socks. "Ah, found them. Ok, when I get home I'll fold and put them away. I promise," taking a seat at the kitchen table and pulling on my socks and shoes." I said just as mom placed breakfast before me. "As long as you come home before dark so don't idle after music practice, ok?" she said taking the seat opposite from me, pouring herself some coffee. "Mom you could come to pick me up and I wouldn't stay 'til dark." I battered my eyelashes at her, smiling and she laughed. " Nice try kiddo but you are old enough to know the time, just be more responsible." she took a sip of her coffee then checked the clock on the wall. Finish eating, I was out the front door waving later to mom.

The bus comes at 7:45a so I always reach to school by 8:15a. School was the usual, classes were without incidents so very boring. Music practice was fun but long. It was late after music practice, I went to the library to do some studying for my finals since I have done it many times before it was no worry. I always call my mom when I'm leaving and I would call her every few blocks so she knows where I am but I was always aware of my surroundings and it wasn't dangerous.

Just as I got off the phone, a senior from my school Rod step up to me. "Hey, Tricia." He said walking beside me so close that is made me uncomfortable. I didn't know he knew my name. "can I walk you home?" he asked but I said nothing. The streets were lonely after dark. I started to walk a bit faster, he copied. Then I was running, he copied. He suddenly grabbed me around my waist and put his hands over my mouth just as I screamed. He must have seen me in the gym that day, I saw what he did to one of his classmates but I never said anything because he scares me. He was dragging me into the bushes and I was fighting him with all my might. I stepped on his toes and bit his hand then I screamed some more. He grabbed my bookbag and I came out of it and ran down the street screaming that it caught the attention of people in their house and they started to come out. The police were called by the time I made it home.

I was crying so badly that I could barely speak but they got what I was saying. Rod was picked up from his house and charge. It was so very frightening but the truth was out.  

school's bully by T.N "Lilly" W-BWhere stories live. Discover now