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"There's a space between my third and fourth ribs where I hold my thoughts of you; there's a moment each night where, I swear, I can almost feel you think of me too."

Who are men to you? Feminists may go on answering like statutes of perverseness, wild thoughts and desires. Well; if you just contain your thoughts this way then do the holy and noble work to eradicate such of your mind. DESIRES; this isn't really a gender specific aspect. Any human being is destined to possess them then why only men are caused with such deep pain of fake tags. A gentleman adheres to his ethics, morals and values. Yes, you've read it right. Let's dwell in to a deep extent of this. Whenever any family experience so-called fortune of having a baby boy; the boy either grows up to be a Mumma-Boy who is always sticking around to his parents' thoughts. There's no individual existence of his own. Or he could attain certain personality traits like being a good influencer to the society, a man of respect and value and the one who, irrespective of gender, supports the truth and reality. The latter one gets nourished up into a gentleman, the one in a million kind of star we look up at.

Here's to another not so crypto corrupted story of a Gentleman and his Saviour.

A lost soul was looking for some meaning to his life. Being heartbroken in love and friendships, he was in search for his real companions. It has been a real long time since he found any. No wonders how much he gave in for others, people always took an upper hand over his compassion and eventually outlook him. But everything in life comes in hand with its good and bad aspects. Like most of us, his love failed at first and that made him feel that there exists nobody who could understand what he wants, how he feels; people just come and go like a thunderstorm and there's just sheer waste of time that he was doing. Tired of meaningless love, even after giving all of him; his innocent heart turned into a stone and started living his life with a chill-pill. Adding up to this, his friendships didn't turn out to be real too. He always wondered if there is any creation who could not just love him but be his friend, family and a human dairy too. His thoughts prevailed and gave him many true realizations in life.

Mother! A very precious gift in everyone's life. Likewise, his mother turned out to be a driving force for all his aspirations to be converted into goals and goals finally turning into a reality. The boy, who struggled a lot in search of a true sense of belongingness, now wanted to achieve great moments in life and just make his mother smile. So, he just performed good deeds everywhere, confined himself to his aspirations and started thinking in that direction.

Even after all of this self-realization process over years, his search for the belongingness didn't end up. It was still persisting in his heart and "heart wants what it wants". Incidentally, his friendship started getting better. He found out his real, selfless and "forever to be" friends gradually. He realized that only selfless people can be good friends because no matter what you're capable of, they always push you beyond your capabilities and never let others defame you in any way. They supported him through academic, emotional and mental stages of a sin-wave. He actually caressed this friendship and found world to be a better place to live in.

Since childhood, we're taught to find the perfect pieces to put the cardboard puzzle together. As we mature, we attempt to do this with our hearts. We live in constant pursuit of the part that fits, knowing that there is more to life. That there is something missing.

And there is.

We know there is more because God created us with the desire for eternity.

Now, there came the time to find out his creation of belongingness. Nobody could ever imagine that helping out somebody from their phase of suicide, depression and sadness can make them fall in love. But when something is destined to happen, the entire universe conspires to make it happen. A Saviour came in his life to flush out all sort of incomplete feelings, wasted emotions and gave him the love he always wished for. The kind of love where your cute gestures make them feel happy, a bit of fights to grow up the bars of understanding and a lot of fun to keep the spark alive. All of this happened to them.

He was her best friend. She never thought he would be able to love anyone after all the hurt he had seen life, but together, they made it possible. He always gave "butterflies in stomach" vibes to her. His Saviour didn't care what the world said because she knew that her love was synchronous to her beating heart; no matter how asynchronous his thoughts and emotions were, to the world.

So, not all men are objects of fantasies and desires. There always lie a sweet, tender and innocent heart which needs to be loved, needs to be understood and taken care off. When the love is real, you feel it in every nerve beneath your skin because this is the love which makes your heart soft and your thoughts stronger than ever.

"Ignore any loss of nerve, ignore any loss of self-confidence, ignore any doubt or confusion. Move on believing in love, in peace, and harmony, and in great accomplishment. Remember joy isn't a stranger to you. You are winning and you are strong. Love. Love first, love always, love forever."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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