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Yellow is my favorite color. 

It can mean anything; happiness, warning, clarity, optimism, enlightenment, remembrance, intellect, honor, loyalty, and joy.

But it can also represent cowardice and deceit...

To my great delight in this color, along with this happiness and joyful character of mine.

I lost myself for a person who never saw my worth and was never devoted in our relationship.

I was deceived to believe what he told me that was never been proved; he said that thing while we were together for years but didn't felt those words. 

and I was coward enough to not to confront him about the truth. 

I love you

3 words, eight letters, and it can only mean nothing. 

But do he really mean saying those words in front of me? Because I never saw emotions in his eyes while he is saying that to me. 

I am thirsty and pathetic enough to ignore those doubts and signs about... ----never mind, *sighs* 

 I'm done.

How could a person you've met in a short period of time can break your heart? 

How could its conscience endure and ignore the fact that what he did broke you into million pieces? , where before you met him you've struggled so much to build yourself  but ending up just being torn apart again.

I look up at the sky, I really love looking up above when I am being attacked by many painful memories from the past... it gives me comfort making me feel calm and okay again.

Look at the stars Look how they shine for you... 


If moon and stars were made to shine to give us light in the darkness then maybe I can find my way to shine in the middle of this dullness and find my way out again! 

Maybe I could be myself again and find myself shining because I found what I really love to do and not chasing someone who is busy chasing other things that they don't have and still manage to leave you after all what you have done for them. 

Ain't need no other stars for me to shine, I am my own star. 

I'll shine whenever someone sees me or not.

You are also you're own star, you don't need others' spotlight for you to shine because I know you can and will stand out because you chose to be yourself.

I should really love myself more before loving some stranger that can be temporary in my life. 

Maybe, hardships are really mean to teach us something eh?  ^_~

Because loving someone means being devoted to them.

Love is not something you can play with.

and saying sorry after you being caught in cheating doesn't really mean that you are sorry, nope... you're sorry because you were caught.

Love and treat yourself first before getting into some serious relationship.

Because once you fall in love with the right person, you'll feel yellow; but your love with each other will surpass the negative effect of it. Even those reasons why you will not love that person will be gone and the next thing you knew is you can't find any reasons for you not to love that person.


"Hello? .. Yeah I'm on my way there, No no no  I'll just walk it's not that far from here  .... I bought some drinks too ... yeah, see yo-----"


"Oh, sorry sorryy I didn't mean to. I'm in a rush but I'm lost do you know where's this place?"

He showed me the paper that has written address on it.

O_O ????? 


"I'm going there too, let's just go together :)" I said

"Really? Finally! , I am 20 minutes late already. And Oh by the way, I am Josh Pace Villan :) . " He stretch out his arms to shake hands with me

I looked at it...

"I'm nothing, let's go? :) " then I started walking before him

😳😳😳    "H-hey Wait!" 


*the end*

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