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I-Ben I am your nan not ivy to you
B-No I can tell you what you are you are nothing to me no more
M-Ben... That was a little harsh...
B-I don't care no one talks about you like that and no one attempts murder On a royal child!
Ma-She is sorry Ben
Be-She doesn't seem it dad! I told you not to bring her
Sh-Mal I am very sorry about some ignorant people's actions you will be a wonderful mother wether some people don't like it or not and Ben you will be an amazing father
Al-Exactly you both will be excellent parents i am very happy for you guys
M+B-Thankyou guys it means a lot
A-But this is to stay between us lot you are the only people that know we aren't supposed to announce to the kingdom until 12 weeks
Everyone nods
B-Now... if you guys would excuse me and Mal
I-I am very sorry
E-Sorry doesn't fix that you could've just killed a royal heir!
M-E... please
M-You are very deeply not forgiven you're also very lucky we haven't put a attempted murder case on you
I-You couldn't do that! You don't have the power
M-I'm pretty sure I could... not to mention I am 1) your soon to be queen and 2) anyone could do that.... know your place
Mal walks upstairs
Ben walks upstairs
B-Mal where are you?
Ben goes in the bathroom
B-You were really good down there*Laughs*
M-I hardly said anything  Ben
B-I know but still the last bit? It was kinda fire
M-Ok you're slowly starting to use jays language benny boo
B-Hehe don't mess with me
Mal hits his chest

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