Group Chat Fic

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The school bell rang as I took a deep sigh, as much as I love my job today was one of the harder days. Being a school social worker in Brooklyn, New York was never in my plans. Nor was it my plans to stay the whole day, I had to get out of here soon and get home to get ready and meet up with some friends of mine later on tonight. I quickly finished typing my last case file for the day, saved it, and cut off the desktop while swiftly getting out my chair to grab my purse and coat. It was early December in NYC and pretty cold, another thing about this city I highly disliked, how cold it gets. I could brace myself with what's to come in January, supposedly the coldest month in New York.

I left my office heels clicking hard and loud making sure I got outside in time to make it to my uber, that's the best thing about New York, I no longer had to drive. I mean, I could, but why would I do that with all these different ways to get around? I waved a swift goodbye to my co-workers and some students as I left the main office of the middle school

"Bye Ms. Anna!" some said as I walked by

"See you later babies!" I say back

I get outside and my uber is waiting for me, as I get in the driver is playing "You Got Me" by The Roots. "Ahh yesss, my song!" I thought to myself, the sound of Erykah Badu's melodic voice was nice to hear after a long day

"If you were worried 'bout where I been or who I saw or...What club I went to with my homies...Baby don't worry you know that you got me"

I swayed my head back and forth trying my best to not fall asleep as I was driven to my apartment in downtown Brooklyn. Once I made it the apartment building I said a quick "hello" to the doorman as I beelined to the elevator and made my way up to the sixth floor I quickly dropped my purse on the kitchen island and made my way to my living room as I plopped down on my couch. I began to run through the day in my head as I lay with my facing the ceiling with my eyes closed, I wasn't sure how I was going to make it out tonight like I promised. Granted this was a rare occasion how all of my friends and I could come together for such a great event, the fact that we were friends still blew my mind as an "established adult" considering we all met on social media.

I was getting comfortable when my phone began to buzz, I groaned getting up and going back to my purse sitting on the island, I searched the leather coach tote as my phone continued to buzz. I found it as it almost buzzed its last buzz before answering it

"Anna! Where is your apartment again? I forgot you lived in the most bougie part of downtown Brooklyn"

I rolled my eyes and chuckled, as my friend Serena joked about my, I guess you can say "luxury" home.

"It's the tall building with the mural at the top"

I began to tidy up a bit as I waited to hear Serena knock on the door which would only take about thirty minutes tops. I was putting on my slippers when I heard three knocks at the door

"Come on in Rena!" I shouted from my room

I walked out into the living room but saw no sight of Serena, I swore I heard someone at the door. I began to look around before Serena jumped from behind the island

"Ahh!" she shouted

I jumped and cursed under my breath startled by my friend's childish antics

"Rena.." I began trying to catch me breath "What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked slightly annoyed

"I'm just trying to figure out how you only been here for half a year and you already so bougie you feel comfortable to leave your front door unlocked," Serena said cocking her head to the side as she leaned on the island

Groupchat Squad FicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora