Chapter Two

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The trees were spooky. In fact, Julie could see shadows that moved across the forest floor. She didn't like the darkness, and the flashlight didn't help at all. In fact, it created more shadows. Julie was afraid. She hadn't wanted to join in but knew that if she didn't, poor Kevin would have his life ruined forever, and she loved him. As a matter of fact, Kevin was quite a catch; many girls had been surprised when he chose her. His swarthy good looks and his way of making her feel safe was something she had never really experienced before. He took the lead, and Julie was always happy to follow. The gun was something she had seen in his bedroom when he had left to take a leak. Seeing it on the side table, Julie picked it up and handled it for a moment, feeling the power in her hands. He had snatched it from her, tucked it into his waist, worried that she may hurt herself.

Now, as they made their way deeper into the forest, Wayne and Kevin took the lead, and the girls followed behind lighting the way so that they did not trip over anything.

"What's that!" shouted Julie as she saw a figure standing proudly in the distance.

"It's only a deer," said Janet, and it made Julie feel a little more secure. As they moved forward, the animal seemed to back away from them, so it was likely that it was a wild animal.

"How much further?" asked Wayne, weighed down by the man's dead weight and wanting to get this over and done with.

"About half a mile," said Janet, "But we'll soon be there." In the distance, Wayne could see the layout of the picnic park and knew that beyond that, they could choose somewhere discreet and bury this problem. It certainly needed to go away. Not only had they fled from the scene, but they had dragged the guy to the back of the pickup truck, and the idea of taking the money had been the last thing on their minds. Talk about failure! His thoughts were running wild, but the body was beginning to stink, and he simply wanted to get this task done.

Death in the Woodlands: 03 Body DisposalWhere stories live. Discover now