+゚*。:゚✩ chapter four✩ +゚*。:゚

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after everyone was done eating,

they left to go home in groups.

jimin with jungkook and taehyung because he is jimin's childhood friend and lives in the same neighborhood, and their parents are close family friends.

namjoon and seokjin went together because of a "project" for advanced history.

this left hoseok and yoongi, so they walked home together.

as it turns out, hoseok's home is on the way to yoongi's apartment complex.

"so about the plan."

hyung, we gotta talk about it at a private place." hoseok said, looking around.


"what if someone from school hears?!"

"you are so paranoid."

hoseok turned around.

"you're right yoongi, there's nothing wrong,"

hoseok raised his voice,

"if people found out that you like park ji-"

yoongi put his hand over his mouth.

"hoseok, i get the idea."

"ok then! my home is here, but i'll continue walking to your house."

"it's ok i'l-"

"i insist."

"fine hoseok."

hoseok give his signature hearteu smile™

as they walked, they talked,

apparently, both had similar taste in music, rap and hip-hop.

yoongi learned that hoseok had a dance studio, and hoseok wanted to teach dance or become a professional dancer or if these failed, a graphic designer.

hoseok learned that yoongi wanted to be a music producer or weirdly enough... a room decorator.

"so this is it." yoongi said.

hoseok looked up.

"this is where...you live? what about your parents?"

yoongi frowned.

hoseok noticed he hit a soft spot.

"hyung its ok you don't have to talk ab-"

"hoseok come inside."

they entered room #134340.

"it's not but it's home."

hoseok looked around.

it was a homey place, but small.

it had 3 rooms, not including the small balcony.

he had a room he used for his office, and bed.

connected to that was a small bathroom.

then outside was his living room where his kitchen and dining area resided.

as hoseok came in, he took off his shoes and followed yoongi to his kitchen.

he saw yoongi grab something out of his pantry, but as he did, he saw a glance of what was in there.

"the fuck? yoongi, you only have cup noddles in you pantry?!"

"i have some ice-cream in the freezer."

"you have to eat healthier."

yoongi rolled his eyes.
"follow me."

yoongi led him to his couch and they sat down.

as hoseok sat awkwardly, yoongi started,

"my dad kicked me out."


"my mother is dead, and my dad's been remarried now for the 4th time.

my dad pays rent,but i pay everything else.

that's why i can't have anything aside from cup noodles, it's too expensive."
"do you have a job?" hoseok said reluctantly.

"i got fired from one yesterday"


"yep, i have 4 more. today's my off since it's a friday."

*ensue awkward silence*

"you should come to my house for dinner on sunday, hyung."

"what? you barely know me."

"we need a private place to talk about the plan, and there you can eat a real meal.

"ok fine."

"i gotta get going."

"ok, but gimme your number."

"oh, here."
hoseok switches to an app on his phone and gives his phone to yoongi.

yoongi enters his number in.

hoseok did the same and they started saying their goodbyes.

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