City of Angels - Rex

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A breeze loftily tousled my hair as the city below me from 30 stories blinks with life, showing no signs of stopping or danger. Tiredly, I sigh, figuring I'm not the busiest tod-

Buzz! Click! "Coming in, calling backup! Santa Monica Pier is being attac- ack!"

The line goes dead.

Oh baby, my day has just gotten better.

I grin as I slip on a mask of mine, a simple black bandana, and some orange googles over my face. I jump off the edge, free falling downward as the wind gets more aggressive and whips around my face. My ears ring with the sudden pressure decrease as the ground gets closer with ever passing floor. I smile to my self, cause Los Angeles, watch out, cause the City of Angels has turned wicked and it's up to me to stop it.


A misty blue and purple void opens up below me, right as I fall past the second floor, sucking me right in. I freely fall and brace for impact, hitting the wooden pier of Santa Monica. The portal closes behind me as the crashing, blue waves are heard from behind me. I look around me, only finding bloodied sand and a slightly red stained sea, with no bodies around. Odd.


Something hit my cheek. Ugh, it's warm.


The liquid hits me once more, and I wipe it off my on my hand.

Its red.

I look up above me as my face contorts into horror as a angel of red hovers above me. Fuck! I need to get out of here, I-


I see a figure, pinning me against the wall, their slick, warm hand holding my neck. Their hair floats around them as wings protrude from their back, flapping slightly. The face is obscured as the moon overcast light behind them, no her, and a shadow forms. Maybe I am in the City of Angels, there's one in front of me.

Wait, fuck! Focus on the situation at hand!

My back aches as her vice grip pushes me further into the wall behind me. I look up at her and try clawing away at her bloodied hand fruitlessly. Her silhouette of her jaw moves, making a noise.

"Why, aren't you a pretty thing? It's a shame I have to hurt you~"

Pinned up against a wall by a villain was not how I expected my night to be.


Well fuck.

Notes: Hi! Thank you guys for reading! This is an story based on my friends from discord, specifically from Planet Weird Peeps. Due to this, every chapter will be written as [Song name] - [POV] if that makes sense.

Oh yeah, so characters so far are:
Rex: Vigilante/hero. Powers- creating portals
Alice: Villain. Powers- Wings on back, giving the appearance of an angel

Anyways, thanks for reading and see ya later! ❤️

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