Lowlife - Alice

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"Why, aren't you a pretty thing? A shame I have to hurt you~"

I smile slightly; so this is the renown Vortex I've been hearing about. Too bad he's a bit stuck in my hand at the moment.


Hm, a call. Wonder who it's from?

I curl my lips into a smile and loosen my grip a bit. "Sorry, I got to take this~" I take my free hand (my left,) and wipe the slick blood off of it onto my pants, not really wanting to get some on my phone (stolen, of course!)

I pick up the phone from my back pocket and answer it, not really caring whose calling at 1 in the morning, cause whose up at this time! I mean, really!


A frantic voice answers, shouting into my ear. I wince in pain due to it, but I already know who it is.

"Alice! I need your help right now!" Her voice is frantic, like she just got jumped. I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"What happened, Nutella? And use words to explain."

"I can't just come right now!"

"Okay, fine I'll be there in a bit. Just need to- Ugh!"

Fucking shit. I double over in pain as I look to him, dropping my phone. The kick to my stomach fucking hurt. And how the hell did he- Never mind that now, I'll think about it later.

I take out a small butterfly knife with a leather grip attached as my visor shines in the moonlit sky. The knife steady, while my gloves hands tighten it's grip before suddenly lashing out at the masked man.

The speed of which I ran at was laughable, but will do I guess; with every passing second of getting closer, until a small gap was in front of me, I swung my knife upward hitting pretty boy's cheek. The blood slowly dropped out of the wound as the knife left a deep wound, making Vortex hiss in pain.

Finally! Some action here!

I grin before realizing Nutella is still on the phone, listening to what I do and expecting me to come home soon; I frown as I pick up my now cracked phone from the ground and lift it to my ear, "Hey, Nutella, I might be there faster than expected," I hang up. The corners of my lips dip while I put the phone away in my pocket, tutting softly as Nutella will still say I'm late.

Raising my hands up behind my head, I look at Vortex and simply tilt my head, before keeping a grin on my face as the air suddenly grows in tension and the waters roar when crashing. "Hey, Vortex, something just popped up, it seems like I have to leave the party a bit soon. A pity, I suppose."


Just then, I blast off, wings flapping against the winds of the night sky. The shoreline getting smaller as I fly overhead the city skyline to the small apartment complex that Nutella and I owned.

Hopefully Vortex won't mind the mess I made and his police friends, or what's left of them~

Notes: Hi guys! Thanks again for reading the story! ❤️

Right now, a new character has been introduced: Nutella! As of right now, on April 28, it's her birthday! So if you guys see her, wish her a happy birthday! Down below is her character in the book as of right now:

-Class: Unknown
Nagini- the ability to change into a snake or human by will; can also speak to snakes when wanted at anytime.

So yeah! That's the chapter for today! Um, to anyone from discord reading this (and you're probably the only ones reading this,) sorry if I made you OOC, I'm a bit bad at writing fiction on real life people 😳

Thank you guys for reading, again! Hope to see you next time and be safe!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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