Chapter 32

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Cathryn- Looks like they have corn dogs for lunch.
Blossom- Well it's not enough to fill us up but I'll eat it.
Cathryn- Do you have a dollar on you just in case you want to buy something.
Blossom- Yes what about you.
Cathryn- Yea I do. I think I'm gonna go ahead and buy me another corn dog; I don't know about you though Blossom.
Blossom- I'm just gonna eat one and beside after school be out I'm going to stop at Chick-fil-A to get me something to eat.
Cathryn- After 5th period I will be heading to McDonald's for work.
Blossom- Alright.

Angilla POV
In History class ,without Tyler with me, I'm listening to my teacher telling us what to do in the History book but since she let us use our phones too for the quiz as well this class is not too hard sometimes it do. I decided to work on my quiz first since it's nothing but multiple questions but then I saw Tyler texted me: Hey bae wyd.
A: I'm doing my work wyd.
T: Just playing basketball but I'm taking a break right now I miss you.😍
A: Miss you too.😍😘
T: Let me let you finish your work love you talk to you later.♥️
A: Love you too talk to you later.♥️❤️
Tyler POV
After texting Angilla , while in P.E. I saw a text message from my beautiful sister London.
London: Hey Tyler I know that you in school but I will be home this weekend and I miss you so much. I already texted Cathryn earlier so I will see you two soon.❤️
Tyler: Hi sis I can't wait to see you again hope college is treating you well love ya.
Bryant- Hey Ty you wanna go shoot some hoops.
Tyler-  Yes I'm coming (dribbles the ball and pass it to Bryant) hey my sister is coming home this weekend.
Bryant-  (making a lay up) you talking about London.
Tyler- Yea bro.
Bryant- No disrespect but your sister so fine what college she's at again.
Tyler- Alabama State University and chill out flirting with my sister I don't think she even want you, oh I forgot yes I forgot you too young anyway.(laughing)
Bryant- Shut up dawg.
Tyler- But yea she is coming this weekend and taking me and Cathryn out somewhere.
Bryant- Whatever the place is London probably trying to surprise y'all.
Tyler- You probably right (shoot a 3 pointer) oooh give me that ball back boi.
Angilla POV
I'm glad that Tyler had text me on Messenger checking up on me. I guess he didn't want to text me through my number, but anyway while I am copying these vocabulary words out of the book my classmates Erica tapped my shoulder.
Erica- Hey girl I heard you and Tyler are going together now is that true.
Angilla- Yes ma'am.
Erica- Awww y'all make a real cute couple.
Angilla- Thank you.  Me and Erica don't really hang out  that much but she still my girl. Erica is really sweet and the most outgoing  girl to hang around with. After I finish talking to Erica the Vice Principal Mr. Chase has came in to the room to talk to our History teacher. Man Mr. Chase is so fine me and some of the girls also think he's fine cute or sexy. But me I think he's fine; he is brown skin, really tall but not too tall he's like 6'4 he do take his job serious, well I pretty sure every teacher here do, so if you get in trouble it's gonna be ISS for 2 days. However, if you act up and don't listen to him he's either gonna let the principal handle you or you'll be suspended. Mr. Chase do remind me of Omarion (the R&B singer and from B2K).

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