
52 2 1

Song: Time

Artist: Mikky Ekko

I kinda went out on a limb this chapter but I kinda like taking this risk...I hope you like it too. If you don't already know, the book has flash forwarded two months so their relationship is a little bit different. I am not sure yet but I think I will be going back to five months ago, next chapter so you can see what is going on and how they adjusted.

By the way> I listened to a ton of Lana Del Rey and The Neighbourhood while writing this chapter....Expect it to me a little dark...

January 8th, 2015 (Fast Forward about four months- the next few chapters will be like this but it'll eventually go back to present)

"The case is coming up unresponsive. There is no evidence, no suspects, not even a single fingerprint. And for that we classify the case as suicide. At this moment, investigation will be closed." I open my mouth almost ready to yell at the tv but it doesn't happen. She couldn't have killed herself. They said in the beginning it was extremely likely for her death to be the effect of murder. I throw a pillow at the ground with a grunt, and make my way into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee.

The water heats in the pot and soon I can smell the delightful scent of freshly grounded coffee. Harry is still asleep because it is Saturday and I don't have the heart to wake him although I should. I pour the steaming liquid into a purple mug and add creamer. I hear the name 'Willow Gilligan' again and again on the television and I refrain from going back in there. I know I will just get angrier and and end up calling the police station and demand answers.

"Good morning, beautiful." Harry yawns when he comes into the kitchen. He kisses me on the cheek from behind and I turn my head to the side to look at him. He has sleep in his eyes and has a tired expression on his face. His tattooed torso is shown from the lack of material and he wears a loose pair of joggers.

"Morning." I reply and had him a coffee-filled mug. "How did you sleep?"

"Fantastic, you tired me out." he hums and takes a sip of the hot coffee. I feel my cheeks heat up. For Harry there is always a time to mention bedroom-activities. Always.

He teases my ears with his lips as I try to speak to him. "Harry, get off." I groan, giggling, but he nuzzles his face in my neck.

"I called my mum this morning," I speak and move away from Harry and to the ice-box to get out eggs. Harry's eyes get big, slightly. He almost looks fearful. "she said that she really wants to visit."

"Oh...when would that be?" his voice shakes towards the end and I raise an eyebrow. I almost forgot that they don't get along well.

"I'm not sure, hopefully soon. I miss her a lot. " I sigh and crack the egg into the hot pan.

"I know you do." he says and his arms are around my waist again. Sometimes I feel as if he is incapable of leaving my side for even a minute. I don't mind it at all. "Just let me know when you decide." He request after a few silent minutes.

I flip the egg and nod. The butter in the pan sizzles and for the few seconds of silence that is the only noise, along with the television.

"Willow?" he whispers as he picks up the news anchors voice. The televisions volume screams in my ears as it seems to get louder. The octave is heightening without any plausible reasoning. He snaps his head to the noise and runs towards the living room.

"Are you-" he curses, "Are you fucking kidding me?!" he screams and there is a loud crash. I nearly jump out of my skin as I peer around the hall. The large coffee table is demolished on the ground, large shards of glass poking out from the edges. The coffee cup I had give him is smashed against the wall, marking the cream paint brown. His fist is dripping red, the devils colours have engulfed him completely. He has morphed into a form of evil I have never seen before. I have seen in angry, enraged to full extent. But I have never witnessed something this vile.

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