Chapter 10: Work! Work! Work!

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Author's notes

(What awaits frisk horrible week!? Lets all find out! so enough chit chatting and enjoy)

Frisk POV

This isn't what I was expecting.

I was carrying a bunch of costumes that are full of glitters that I think I might become blind because of it.

I was following Mettaton backstage to help hand out all the costumes he made for the actors and actresses in the play.

Mettaton: Oh! and frisk darling~ could you please fetch me the script? I think I left in on the club room on my desk...

He said ordered me, as I was finnishing handing out the costumes.Ive been running around for so long, I think my legs will fall off from exhaustion! Well...not that I have a choice.

And to top it all off, I have been missing out lessons so that I could help mettaton in the play. He did ask permission from my absence, but nonetheless it would be hard catching up all the discussions I missed!

Not saying another word, I nodded at him and quickly did what he had said.

'don't worry frisk, this will only last a week.Stay determined...' I kept telling myself to not lose sanity, while I was heading to the club room.

I retrieved the script, which it seems to be about Peter Pan. Huh, a classic this might actually be good.I hurried off to the school gym to give Mettaton the script.

His request was pretty decent at first, like helping the actors with their forgotten lines, helping with the backdrops and props, you know normal play stuff.Butas time went by his orders became ridiculous.

For example, the members of the MTTFanclub demanded Mettaton to sign them his autograph. He asked me for a pen, of course I obliged and gave him my blue pen.But then he looked at me, with his other brow rised, starring daggers at me.

Mettaton: really darling? you expect me to write something in blue? Of course you know better than this frisky dear...go fetch me a pink pen

Really?! Is he that stuck upin his own ego that he refuses to use a blue pen!?


I then walked off to ask someone if they had a pink pen.Sadly not everyone uses pink ink to write but I did managed to find one, so I handed it off to mettaton.

Besides that shenanigans, he also made me a live mannequin and his excuse was I was the only one who could do it for him.

I have been running around the school to fetch him his stuff that was odly left in different places, and doing some of his errands.

Finally the school bell rang and I was able to take a lunch break...

As I reached to our lunch spot, I sighed heavily.I felt tired and fatigue...

I guess Sans noticed it, because he was about to say something but was cut off with a rude chara.She pounced on me and gave me a bear hug while Asriel was following behind her.

Chara:Frisk!! Where have you been? I didn't see you in class!!

Frisk: well I—

Michel: yeah you looked tired...

Asriel: I agree...


Everyone was talking all at once that I couldn't even hear my own thoughts, I closed my eyes and coverd my ears to calm myself down...

Frisk: can we please just eat our lunch? Im starving! I promise I'll explain after school...

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