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It was midnight. The two boys were the last ones in the practise room. Mark sat crosslegged on the floor with Yuta, lying down with his head on Mark's lap.

They stayed there in silence, enjoying a bit of relaxation after a tiring few hours of dancing. Mark calmly played with Yuta's hair in content. Yuta closed his eyes, embracing the feeling.

The older couldn't control the flushing of his cheeks, happiness overflowing from the simple gesture. Yuta knew for a while that he developed an infatuation for Mark, it happened soon after Sicheng left to promote in China.

Yuta thought it would be impossible to feel the same way as he did with Sicheng, but after more time spent with Mark, he couldn't control his love from escaping.

He had always been close with Mark, ever since they were still trainees. As they were both foreigners in a new boy group, they helped each other out and had an unspoken understanding of each other.

Once Yuta developed feelings for Sicheng, he strayed from Mark for a bit but they still considered each other very close friends. It was unbreakable what they had, no matter what came between them.

Once Sicheng left, Yuta and Mark's bond became even stronger, turning into feelings of love.

Yuta thought that Mark only viewed him as a friend, but unknown to him, he was wrong.

Mark was the only one that wouldn't push Yuta away when he got too close, and embraced the closeness instead, all while denying his feelings for him.

Eventually he was able to love Yuta back, though he would never tell him that. The other members knew Mark secretly liked Yuta, even as the boy would constantly avoid the topic in panic. They were all waiting for the day they would finally get together.

"Mark..." Yuta spoke softly, breaking the boy's train of thought.

"Yeah, Yuta?" Mark replied, suddenly uncomfortable with the silence of the room.

"I love you," was all he said.

Mark's heart bloomed out of his chest at the sudden confession. He could feel his cheeks flush a brighter red.

"I love you too," he stuttered nervously, shrugging off his feelings. The two would express their affection all the time like this, so Mark knew not to overthink what Yuta said.

Yuta just sighed in response and said he was going to bed, leaving Mark in the practise room alone with his thoughts.


It was 4 in the morning and Mark was still awake, tossing and turning in his bed. He couldn't fall asleep, mind too busy dwelling on what had happened a few hours before.

What if he meant it in a different way?

Mark shook his head, clearing his thoughts by hitting a pillow against his head.

Suddenly, he heard the door to his room open and froze. He closed his eyes and felt the warmth of someone cuddling up next to him in his bed.

"I know you're not sleeping," he heard Yuta's voice and couldn't control his erratic heartbeat.

Mark slowly opened his eyes only to be face to face with Yuta.

"Mark..." the boy didn't reply, frozen in shock. Yuta's eyes were the prettiest in the world to him.

"When I said I loved you, what did you think I meant?" Yuta continued.

"What did you mean? Like friends, right?" Mark finally responded, barely able to answer in his flustered state.

Yuta shook his head in disagreement.

"Can I show you instead?" Mark hesitantly nodded, not sure what to expect.

When Yuta starting to lean in and connect their lips, the boy's eyes widened in shock, unable to process what was happening.

Shortly after, he kissed back, obsessed with the feeling of Yuta's soft lips. Their lips fit perfectly together like puzzle pieces.

Yuta pulled him into his lap, never disconnecting their lips. Mark placed his arms around Yuta's neck, making sure that they were as close as possible.

Once Yuta bit his lower lip, he quietly gasped, wanting more but realizing how quickly this had all happened. He broke away from the kiss, a string of saliva breaking between their lips.

Yuta just smiled sheepishly, Mark becoming even more flustered in response.

"Do you understand what I meant now?" Yuta asked with a teasing smile, obviously amused from Mark's flustered state.

Mark just nodded and smiled back at him. Yuta gently placed their foreheads together, never breaking eye contact.

"Will you let me prove to you how much I love you by becoming my boyfriend?"

"Obviously," Mark replied, unable to contain his giggles.

They intertwined their hands, relishing every second of the moment.

The boys confessed their feelings and were happy, because finally, they were together.




(A/N) This was just a quick little oneshot I wanted to write because yumark has been the superior ship lately and I love them. I hope you guys liked it.

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