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-Jack's POV-

I wake up and get out of the treehouse but rover spots me and slobbers all over me "Aw cmon rover!" I say annoyed which wakes somebody up in the treehouse because I hear someone come down the ladder, I look behind me to see..nobody?

-Dirk's POV-

I sneak behind jack and grab him
"AAAHHH!" He screams jeesh..
Didn't think I scared him that bad
"Um.." I say awkwardly he looks at me with terrified eyes and I feel real bad... "Sorry."  He calms down a little "Um i-it's okay dirk Just um..
Please put me down.." he says in a shaken tone I nod and put him down he walks over to rover and gets on him "where are you
Going?" He looks at me confused
"Why do you care?" He asks in a slightly rude tone which irritates me a bit so I grab him off of rover and pin him on the fence he looks at me shocked but soon his expression quickly changes to anger "Dirk, let me go." He says in a demanding tone I look him up and down and smirk "Try me pipsqueak" I smirk, he blushes a bit and tries to get lose but I don't budge. I hear monster footsteps but jack won't shut up so i matters into my own hands and take my chance to..kiss him...he instantly blushes and stares at me with shocked eyes I pull away and look around looks like the monster is gone I look back down at him and smirk, "You taste like bubblegum~" I chuckle as I see him get as red as a tomato I let him go and ruffle his soft hair
I stick my tongue out as I go back into the treehouse.

(I'm stopping this part just for now but my phone is gonna die and it's late so goodnight and I'll write more in the morning! Bye!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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