What Happens at Playlist (Part 3)

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Luke and you managed to get through most of the day pretending to hate each other while secretly flirting. There was even a time where you were left only because you all decided to go swimming and the rest of the boys were already down at the pool. The two of you took longer to change, both knowing you were going really so on purpose. Since Luke and Mikey still didn't have their own room, you forced Luke to change in the bathroom despite his protests. After you were both done changing though, you took some more time to yourselves to do something you both wanted to do since that morning in the elevator.

When you got to the pool finally, Luke pushed you in claiming he needed to make your act more believable. You shared a cliche kiss under water when no one was looking which made up for it.

It all changed when you got to the place playlist was being held. Luke and Mikey had their meet up at the same time as SDK so you just went with them not wanting to be at the hotel all alone. They were able to get you back access. You got bored after a while of just sitting back there though so you decided to peek out Likey's curtains. Bad idea.

At first, no one noticed you but then Luke turned to you and winked. And of course girls saw because they were staring at him the whole time.

"OMG Luke just winked at her!" one of them shouted. Mikey instantly turned to you. Meanwhile all the girls started screaming at you and Luke.

"What? Guys, no I didn't I don't even like her," Luke protested. You knew he just said that so no one was suspicious, but it still kind of hurt. Mikey walked over to you guys.

"What's going on here?" he asked and you thought he was mad that you practically ruined his meet up, but then he smirked.

"Nothing, you she just peeked her head through and I looked at her and now everyone thinks we're in love," Luke said.

"You mean you looked at her and winked."

"W-what, no. Why would I wink at her? What are you talking about?" Luke stuttered.

"Really Luke. I seen you two flirting all day. You really think that just because you're underwater, none of us can see you kiss," Mikey explained smiling at the two blushing people in front of him.

"I thought we did a pretty good job at hiding it," Luke said.

"Well you didn't," Mikey stated, "wait so does this mean you guys are together?"

"I don't actually know what we are. I mean we make out and flirt but Luke never asked me out so," you answered.

"Oh shit, I never did. Okay, hold on," Luke said before walking back to the viewers. They were all talking or screaming at the boys, yet he someone how managed to get everyone to be quiet. Once the room was silent he turned to you and smiled.

"Y/n, I know we hated each other at first. Well, I didn't actually hate you even though you probably did. Anyways, we got of on the foot but I really like you and I wanted to know if you would be my girlfriend," Luke said staring right at you the whole time. You smiled and ran into his arms.

"So is that a yes?"

"Of course," you grinned before kissing him for everyone to see. You were expected of bunch of boos but instead everyone was awing and saying how cute you were.

After you finished embracing Luke went back to his meet up and you went back behind the curtains. You had to wait until the boys were done so you wandered around looking for a place to get food. Once you found the table with food, you picked up a plate and started piling it with food. You didn't eat lunch because you didn't have time before the meet up started, since the boys took forever to get ready. As you were collecting fruit onto your plate, a pair of arms wrapped around your waist.

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