Chapter 7: That 'Juan' Moment

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Chapter 7:

I rolled around on the spinning chair I stole from Juan’s room earlier this week when he was at practice. It have been three weeks since the match against Inter Milan and two weeks since we’ve beaten all the teams and won the ICC cup, and tomorrow was Manchester United’s first match in the BPL under the watch of Louis Van Gaal. I was excited and wanted to go watch them practice today, but Juan said that I need to stay home and study before I start university in a month. 

Only one more month and I wouldn’t be with the squad anymore. I likely wouldn’t be able to watch them play anymore because I would be in the USA and they’d be competing in England. I would miss it so much here, it feels so much like a family. They’d been so welcoming with me, it would hurt me so bad to have to leave, but I still did have a future I was looking forward to. 

“Andrea!” I heard Juan yelled. “We’re home!”

I leaped out of the chair and sprinted out of my room in my bunny slippers and leaped down the few stairs that Juan had in his apartment. I knew that he had food, because he had promised to buy some for me when he finished practice. Once I got to the living room, Juan, Ander and David was standing there staring at me as I took out the take-out boxes from the plastic bag. 

“Good God, Juan, are you not feeding your sister or something?” David asked as he put his coat on the coat hanger. 

Juan rolled his eyes. “I do, but she eats like a truck.” he said. 

“Because trucks eat ice-cream and microwaved pizza to survive.” I said sarcastically as I opened a box of Chinese noodles. They were my favorite of all the Chinese take-outs here in England so far. 

I grabbed a pair of chopsticks and opened the white box of noodles and dug in right away. Ander circled around the couch and took a seat parallel to where I was sitting on the ground. He smiled down at me and I smiled back. 

Since the day he was injured, we’d actually became a lot friendlier to each other. I guess we decided to forget about the rival thing that happened when we first met and started new. He’s actually pretty cool when he’s not all mad and stuff, and Ander seemed to get frustrated easily. 

Juan suddenly started to check his pockets on his jeans and jacket violently, looking for something. His face turned awfully pale as he shuffled over to the bag of food and took out all the boxes. I stared at my brother confused as he continued to search for something. 

“Everything okay?” I asked, putting my box of noodle on the table. 

Juan shook his head. “No, I can’t find my phone.” Juan panicked. “I must have left it on the table at the Chinese restaurant.” 

“Of course.” I said, not quite surprised. Juan glared at me.

David grabbed his coat. “You want to go back? I’m sure they kept your phone for you.” David suggested, although I doubt that what he said would be true. 

Juan grabbed his jacket and put it on. I stood up and was ready to grab my jacket until Juan pushed me down on the coach. “Stay home, Andy. The last time you went to find lost thing, it didn’t end well, remember?” Juan reminded me. I rolled my eyes and sunk onto the coach. 

“That was two years ago…” I mumbled. 

“Ander, don’t let her follow us. And also don’t try anything on her if you want to keep your friend down there.” Juan said strictly. 

Ander widened his eyes the moment Juan said that. “W-what?”

“You heard me.” Juan said and sprinted out the door. 

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