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Months went by and I didn't hear from Carrie after the day that I left her at the altar.

Shane had to do some damage control and was the one to explain everything to Carrie. Who better than Shane right? After all.. She left Carmen at the altar too. Afterwards Shane took Carrie out for drinks and that's all that I know.

Did I miss Carrie? Ofcourse I did.. But Bette is my true love and I can't turn my back on that. I mean.. How could I? Bette has always been the one for me and nothing could ever replace that. Nobody could ever replace that.. Not even someone as amazing as Carrie.

I wondered if I was making the right choice sometimes, but I only had to look  into Bette's eyes to know that this is where I belong. Bette is my home. She always has been and always will be.

Bette had this art project with Jodi, one that I wasn't okay with years ago and we all know how that ended. Bette didn't want to give up on it then, knowing that it was just one of Jodi's ways of controlling her. Jodi had always tried to come between us, Bette didn't see it but I did. Unfortunately Bette didn't believe me, she actually believed that she could be friends with her toxic ex. Only a fool would believe this. Toxic exes don't make good friends, luckily for me Bette finally saw Jodi for who she really was.

Now here we are.. Happy and in love, like the past years never happened. It was just me and Bette. Bette and me.

"Good morning, beautiful." Bette gives me a kiss on my forehead while I stretch out in bed. We had a long night that had tired us out.

Yes, this is exactly what you're thinking.

We made love to each other until the sun came up.

Angie luckily spend the night at Jodi's, because it was almost like we relived our honeymoon fase. Angie loves that her moms are back together, but she often tells us to stop acting like horny teenagers.

She was right though, we simply just couldn't resist each other. So Angie is staying with Jodi, until in Angies words "our hormones have calmed down."

I look up and see Bette checking herself out in the mirror. She's wearing a brown power suit with a antique pink blouse under it and even antique pink socks. I love how her clothes always match so perfectly.

She puts on her Ray Ban sunglasses and leaves with a "I wonder what these fuckwits at the museum have to nag about this time."

I missed this. I missed her random swearing about literally anything that pissed her off and there was quite a lot that pissed this woman off, she's truly the queen of cursing.

After failing to become mayor, she started working at the museum again. Even though the "fucking trolls" and the "whiny cunts" pissed her off, there was nothing she loved more than being the director at the museum. And to be honest.. I thought she was extremely sexy standing between all of the art in her power suit, because you could truly see the passion of art in her eyes. There's nothing more attractive than someone who's passionate about something they love.

I would bring her lunch every day and she loved it, she often tells me how much she missed me taking care of her and loving her unconditionally. Fact is that this type of love, the love Bette and I have doesn't come often. This shit is rare and we'd be a fool to give up on it. Now that Jodi is gone and every shared project linked to her is as well, we can finally be happy. Bette was stuck in her past and I couldn't be more grateful that she finally saw the light.

I love Bette and this time nothing could come between us.

The doorbell wakes me from my daily daydream.

I open the door and I am shocked by what I see.


I see a emaciated woman standing on our porch, barely holding on to the brick wall she's desperately trying to hold on to.

She seems lost.. And I could see the hurt and pain in her eyes that had consumed her. She looks nothing like the strong woman that I used to know and it was crystal clear to me that she had become addicted to some type of drugs.

Her hair looks greasy and her skin is filled with acne and small open wounds. Not to mention her clothes.. I could swear that I saw a ketchup stain on her shirt. She looks like she didn't shower in weeks and to be honest.. She smelled like it too, but she tried to give me that mischievous smile that once had me in the palm of her hands.


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