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Sunlight beam through between the  slit of the dark velvet curtain that hang high in the bedroom. The light rest across a pair of leg in a thin line  on the bare skin of a male who lay in his slumber. The soft mattress on his queen sized bed held him in full comfort making the slight heat from the sunlight has no effect on his slumber.

However, the sound of a door slammed from the living room does wakes the boy. His hands find his ear instantly, trying to block out any noises coming. Exactly after that, through his closed ears, faint voices could be heard still. Voices he wish could stop from coming out the way it does at the moment. High pitched and full of tension. 

His eyes squeezed hard as the high pitch voices coming from his parents arguing in the living room keeps going on. It always has to be like this. The two would always argue about something. They can't live without arguing, even a slightest thing could be brought up and then turn into a bigger argument. They can never let the air still, always need to bring tension in it.

After a moment of silence, the boy slowly open his eyes. His hand brought away from his ears. Unexpectedly, his door squeaked indicate someone has entered his room. He turned towards his door, finding his mom with red face. Tears streaming down both of her cheeks. "San," the voice coming out from her almost whispering, too weak to talk at the moment. 

San quickly ran to his mom and embrace her in a tight hug. "Mom?" Only sobs mumbled between his chest could be heard. He close the door with his leg and drag them both to sit on the bed as he walk backwards. His hand pats the back of his mom who was still in his embrace. No words were shared between the two. San's hand ring around his mom never broke. His hand was still patting, trying to comfort his mom from what ever had just happened. 

"San," she spoke after pulling away from the hug. Her hands reached San's and hold it between her's firmly. San reply no word, only his eyes pleaded for his mom to tell him what ever is needed. But again, she couldn't continue her words. She bow her head and shook it as tears start to stream again. He took his hand on top of his mom's and squeezed her hand in reassurance, "Mom, it's okay." He then kneel  down on the floor, hands still holding. "You can tell me."

Word seems hard to come out from his mom as they stared into each other. Her eyes were red from the cry. San doesn't mind of how long her mom need to take time until she is ready to speak. She close her eyes and took a deep breath. Once she had released the breath she hold for seconds, she look in her son's eyes, "I killed him." 


ummm, i'd like to say that you're not too late to make a u-turn and leave this book cuz imma tell yall who end up here, you guys are not safe 

cuz im a couch potato,
we don't really write things 

but i dunno... just felt infires and motivated
trust me this inspiration and motivation will be gone in a snap
so please
leave before too late
i dont wanna hurt you guys T^T

anyway if you decide to stay,

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