"Hey," a sooth voice brought San's back from his trance. "Are you okay?" San nodded to the one asking. His lips curved into a small smile as the boy sitting beside him now having one of his hand cupping San's face. His thumbs caresses San's cheek. 

They are in San's living room, sitting in the couch watching tv and sometimes just minding their own business. The morning is not as usual but San is used to be welcomed by an unknown scene in his head occasionally. He had forgotten since when did it happen but he would have a scene of scenario came across his head that he doesn't even recognize as his memory.

"Tell me," The boy pull his hand away from San's face and place it on his thigh. He rest his head on the couch side way, holding their eye contact. San did just the same. "Nothing," San replied shortly. His smile immediately  widen as the younger beside him whined for not getting the answer he wanted. "Really Wooyoung, there is nothing serious," his hand tapped the younger's thigh, trying to convince him that there is nothing to worry about.

"I don't care whether it's serious or not," San closed his eyes and shook his head, smile still plastered on his face. He know this boy will not let it go easily. The two have known each other since kindergarten and has become close ever since then. Since they live in a different neighborhood, they couldn't hang out after  school a lot until San manage to get  himself license. They start to hangout at each other house often since San could drive them from school. 

Unlike San who portray bold, masculine image, Wooyoung is bright and a little too softie. He manage to make almost everyone instantly feeling cozy when around him. And San like that part of his bestfriend the most. Wooyoung who was a few of those who knew about San's situation had always been there by his side to comfort him when the visions got too overwhelming.   

"Today's vision is bitter," San said with a frown on his face. Wooyoung's eyes widen. San rarely have dark scenario projecting in his mind whenever it happen. He'd usually had a casual scenario, like pick nick at beach, walking by a random street and doing homework. Although all these vision has nothing to do with San's real life, but Wooyoung took much interest in every one of it, like a story. And having to hear the dark one is his favorite since San hardly has it.

"Umm, so... my mom killed my dad," a  gasp escape Wooyoung's mouth just then. He quickly covered his mouth with his hand. "Oh my god! Tell me more!" San fixed his position,  body fully facing Wooyoung but head still laid on the couch. "Okay. So you know, like yeah my parents do bicker a lot right?" Wooyoung nods, recalling the past encounter of San's parents bickering when he was at the older's house. Those lighten up the atmosphere. 

"But the vision had them arguing," his hands fiddled with the hem of his sweaters paw. Wooyoung took interest in San's sweater paw too, taking the lose strands and knit it. He murmured an 'okay' to let the older continue. "It's bad... Mom has had it enough. I don't know what exactly happen, but she come to my room, exactly like my room at their house. You still remember?" San hooked his index finger with the younger's fingers that was playing with the lose strands, making sure the younger heard his question. "I do."  

"She... she came to my room. She looks miserable, Wooyoung. It reminds me of that day," Wooyoung took the hint of  the sorrow in the older's voice and convert his eyes up to him. San already had his eyes weepy. Out of instinct, his hands cupped the older's face, thumbs caressed both cheeks. "Nooo no no no, don't cry, please."

Wooyoung remember vividly that one particular weekend of their freshman year, how San stormed into his room, slide into him in his bed in the middle of the night with puffy eyes and stained cheeks. Wooyoung took the vulnerable San into his embrace with open arms. The older told him everything, about how bad his parents argued just then. 

They were shouting on top of their lungs. Mom throwing every fragile stuff she could grasp in  her hand. Dad were drunk, red eyes, messy hair,  just everything about him is messy that night. San told every detail of the fight to him between hiccups and sobs. It was the bottom of  his family. That particular year had the Choi family broken with financial problem since Mr.Choi's business weren't doing well because of scam. Then it leads to him turn into an alcoholic. Both their parents suddenly became short tempered because of all the pressure.  

Through out freshman year, Wooyoung had only been to the older's house on celebration days  dinner. He couldn't stay longer because of the tension that would grow in the air. The older especially won't like Wooyoung witnessing any breakdown. It was a tough time, Wooyoung couldn't be more proud of how the Choi made out of that state.   

"We should stop. You're finish right?" San nodded to him. "Come here," Wooyoung wiped away the now streaming tears  before pecked the older's on the left cheek. He hugs the older, trying to comfort him.


you still there?
uiks! you stubborn little qt

welp im trying my best to update consistently
planning to update once a week on either Friday or weekend
trust me, sticking to this schedule may be a challenge for me ._.
let's hope for the best shall  we? <3

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