The Beginning

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Hi , my name is cami and im 13 years old . A while back my family  decided they wanted to go on a trip abroad. They wanted  some adventure. Yeah an adventure sounds fun ,but not with your older sister Ella  who is totally addicted  to taking selfies and posting them, makeup,  she loves makeup. I on the other hand am a tom-boy i love a good adventure  , but nothing has quite prepared me for the this trilling adventure .."Cami" my sister yelled down the hallway.  "What is it" i answered  still half asleep ."The vacation, or whatever you call it" . "The ADVENTURE!!!!" I remembered  as i suddenly  got out  my gloomy haze i was in a minuet ago" . A few moments  after that we ended up at the airport bagages in our hand ready to board the plane . " Are you excited Cami?" Mom asked eagerly  ,knowing down deep down i have been waiting  for this for months.  I have always  been a planner i have been counting down . Call me a nerd ,but i don't care because i know i am. " why am i not getting any cell service" My sister whined from the seat behind  me. "Because we are literally in the clouds Ella". "Thank you captain  obvious" she said in her smarty pants way. She really gets on my nerves. We landed in a small town in Australia.  People there seemed very friendly  . "Dad" Ella said "why did we bring camping stuff  to Australia if we could  eaisly stay in a hotel with free wi-fi". Dad ignored her whineing . I over heard  dad talking  to mom about the adventure . He said we were are going to try and find the lost Theme Park Fantasy Land. That means alot of camping  out in the outback the most dangerous  part of Australia. I couldn't wait this was going  to be EPIC!

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