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I was awoken by a bright light behind my eyelids. I opened them a slightly and my room looked different but it's just the light, right? I swore I'd shut my blind last night, obviously not. I tried to open my eyes a bit more but the light really wasn't helping my sight. I let out a little hum in announce and tried to roll over, that was when I felt someone next to me. What!

I slowly and calmly opened my eyes and saw a figure lying next to me. A man. What the hell! I opened my eyes wider and saw it was no other than Harry Styles. This is definitely a dream!

"It's just a dream, I've just got to wake myself up." I whispered quietly to myself attempting to roll over to face away from "Harry", but it failed. As I rolled over "Harry", who had his arm around me this whole time, decided to grab me with both his right and left arm, hugging me tightly, making me stuck to this one spot.

I only had one choice, which was shut my eyes and go back to "sleep" knowing that when that happens I'll be awake in real life.


I was nervous, nervous as I've ever been. I'd taken a test that morning and it was positive but I was still unsure so I took another five which all came through positive so I know its true, I just don't want to give Harry a bad reputation. I don't want him to have headlines put out about his pregnant wife being a few years younger than him. I'm not a child I'm 21 and he's 25, it's fine, 4 years is hardly anything. I'm just so excited to tell Harry.

I set up dinner for him in our home in London and now I'm just waiting for him to get back from an interview, he won't be long now.

20 minutes later Harry and I were sat eating my homemade spaghetti Bolognese which Harry loved.

"So what's the occasion? This is all too fancy for just an evening meal. Fuck did I forget date night? Wait no that a Wednesday, it is Friday right?" Harry said as he ate some garlic bread.

"Stop panicking Haz. It's Friday. I have a surprise, that's why I've made everything all fancy." I said mysteriously.

Harry was so excited and he didn't even know what the surprise was, he was practically jumping in his seat as I began talking.
"So Harry, you know how we had that conversation a few weeks after the wedding? About children?" I paused and Harry nodded. "Well, I've got something in here," I point to my belly "that's half me and half you." Harrys face was just so full of joy and happiness. He quietly got up from the table and came over to me picking me up and hugging me close to his chest. "I take it you happy?"

"Happy? I'm over the moon. This is all I've ever wanted and more, I love you so much." He put me down and then knelt down in front of me and put his hands on my near flat belly. "I'm gonna spoil you rotten my 'lil one." Which made my heart melt.

Me and Harry decided to subtly announce it to the fans by posting a picture on Instagram, on my account.


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I woke up with a weight on my chest but my eyes remained closed, scared of what was on top of me. Curiosity got the best of me and I began to peel my eyes open, I looked down and saw a small bald head and a tiny hand sat on my chest. Err what?

"Morning beautiful, Esme woke up so I brought her for cuddles with her mummy

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"Morning beautiful, Esme woke up so I brought her for cuddles with her mummy." A very recognisable deep British voice said. Fuck that wasn't a dream, this is my life?

"It's fine Harry. She's our lil bubba, she's always welcome." I sounded different, older, well I must be older than 15 to have a baby. That was when I looked over to Harry, he was stood near the bed tapping on a phone, Harry was definitely different. His face was slightly older, with a light beard covering his lower face, his hair was a bit longer than before but it suited him. I have no idea what day it is, or year, or how I'm even here, but something inside me is telling me it's gonna be alright.

"Liam and Maya want to go for coffee later, do you want to go?" Harry looked up from his phone and directly into my eyes, I was trying so hard not to freak. "Or are you still in pain?"

I shuffled up the headboard behind me and positioned Esme a little higher on my chest so she was still comfortable, making sure I held her head. Luckily my cousin had a baby not so long ago so I know roughly how to hold a baby. As I sat up I felt pain between my legs, that's what Harry meant, I definitely can't go out with this uncomfortable pain. "Harry, I can't, the pain, it's too much," I said receiving a sympathetic look of Harry.

"It's alright Crisy. I understand, and I want to have more time alone with my wife and daughter before anyone else gets the chance." WIFE? How much of my life have I missed? Is this amnesia?

"H-Harry, d-did I hit my head or anything like that yesterday?" I tried to ask casually, I need some kind of an answer.

"I don't think so darling, I was with you most of the day, remember?" Harry said so kindly. God, he's so kind.

"Yeah, I forgot, you know, a lot on my mind with this little one." I laughed as Harry put his phone down on his bedside cabinet and climbing into bed with me.

"You're forgetting the other little pea," Harry said as he put his hand on my stomach. I'm pregnant?

"Time's going so fast," I said to Harry as I rubbed my thumb on Esme's small soft head.

"I can't believe she's 3 months already. Seems like only yesterday you made me spag bol and told me you were pregnant." Oh my fucking god, that wasn't a weird dream, it was a flashback.

What else have I missed?

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