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Dearest, oh how I've missed you

Everyday, I think about summer

And all the times we were together

unfortunately, we both knew we had to part ways

however, I will never forget your gifts

Red roses, necklaces, books, chocolates;

there were so many!

Remember the cool, summer nights

when you would call for me

under those pretty stars?

One day I was worried,

i did not hear from you all day

Mother said you must have gone home

Even though I knew it was possible,

Oh how I hoped you stayed 

I was upset,

even if you hadn't gone home,

a storm was fast approaching, it would be hard to travel

However, a sudden noise from outside my window came

Alas, it was your voice,

calling out for me

you said "come, let us go and seek the moonlight"

and so we did, do you remember that?

it was well past 8 and we were surrounded by silence and love

Venus would have been jealous if she saw us

Ever since that day, I decided I loved you


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