the truth

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Dear Mr. Romeo Esslemont,

I am writing to you on behalf of my daughter, Sonia Dottin, who unfortunately, has recently passed away. Before she passed, she told me she wanted me to tell you about her passing, and now, here I am. Frankly, I find it very odd that she would tell me to write to you as we are strangers. I know this may sound crazy and quite definitely terrifying, but my daughter would write to you daily. Of course, she wouldn't send all of her letters, but there were special ones. We were never sure why she would do that or how she even knew you, but we didn't think too much of it at first.

She was always sick, but we all tried to act as if everything was normal. We wanted her to live a normal life if possible. She had a weak heart and a few years back, was diagnosed with a rare disease that weakened her immune system. We never let her go outside after that. I would be lying if I said she never went outside, though.

For the very first time, she sneaked out during summer and always said she was with "Romeo". She became weaker and weaker because of that.

If you were to read her letters, she would always talk about summer and your adventures with her. She always loved to write so we thought it was a new piece, but then she started sending some of her letters to you.

Anyways, we would like to invite you to her funeral if you are able to. Seeing as she spent most of her time writing to you, we thought that maybe you would like to see her. We would be delighted to meet you as well.

Lastly, my daughter said another letter is on its way to you, if it hasn't already arrived. Please take your time to read all her letters. She told us that every letter has a secret message and to find it, you need to pay attention to the firsts.

Yours Truly,

Lilly Dottin

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