I must hold back

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Kyle and Noah were both in the band room just talking to friends and then Noah saw Kyle alone. Now was his chance to ask him. He asked Kyle to go to the movies that weekend, then spend the night together. Kyle said "sure" very casually, but the excitement was already building up inside him.
Of course everyone had wanted them to be together for a long time now, but each of them had felt different at the time, but now, they started to feel slightly different.

The day FINALY arrived and each of them took ages to get ready with their underlying feelings coming into clearer view. As the walked through the parking lot they were messing with each others hair, but when they am saw someone from band they played it off with "no homo". Luckily their friends did go to see the same movie as they did so they could be more private about what they did. Kyle had his favorite grey hoodie on, but was relatively warm so he took it off. They didn't pay much attention to each other during the movie, since it was extremely violent with loads of suspense (Kyle's favorite), but Noah felt a chill half way through and Kyle offered him his hoodie.

They went back to Noah's house, since his parents weren't home for the weekend. They ate spaghetti and shared their meatballs by feeding each other. Later they went and sat on the couch and watched "the private life of deer" and laughed so tremendously hard they ended up laying on top of each other. (Of course this was nothing serious at the moment.) Then Noah started to play with Kyle's hair, he ran his fingers though his hair and all Kyle could think was 'oh god. How did he know how much I love this'. Again nothing happened but they were both becoming more and more aware of their feelings.

That special momentOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz