Trouble Already?

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*Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria*

"That's it, I'm tired of doing nothing!" Ally blurted out as she tried to get out of the chains. "You've tried, Ally, but it's no use. We're stuck here until someone finds us," Kat said. Jazmine said nothing as she started to look around the room. "She's in deep thinking," Ally said under her breath. "I heard that. I still hear stuff while I'm in deep thinking," Jazmine said. "Hmm... have any of you got any hair pins? Something that could pick the lock?" Ally shook her head. "I don't carry hair supplies." Kat searched her pockets, then realized that she had one in her hair. "Use this one, but give it back, please. I don't like having my hair in my face." She took the pin out of her long, brown hair and flicked it towards Jazmine. "Thank you, Katie," Jazmine said. She pushed the pin into the lock on the chains and rattled it, trying to get the locks to click open. "Any luck?" Ally asked. "Almost...there!" The locks on Jazmine's chains clicked, and she was able to slide her hands free. "Yay! It worked! Now help the rest of us!" Ally said. "Did you think I was going to leave you behind, Ally?" Jazmine asked, wiggling the pin to open Ally's chain locks. "Yes," she said sarcastically. "Wow Ally. Just, wow," Jazmine said as she finally got the locks free. She unlocked Kat's chains, and they opened the door of the room they were held in.

"It's another parts and service room! It's so dark, I can't see any-AAHHH!"

Ally tripped over something on the floor. "Ally?! Did Goldie find you already?!" Kat asked, frantically looking around in the darkness. "No, I tripped over something! I'm trying to find what I tripped on, but I can't see to save my life!" Jazmine got down on her hands and knees, and began searching for the door that led to the main hallway. "I feel something on the ground you guys!" she said out of the blue. "What is it?" Ally said. "It feels animatronic head? Hold's still connected to a body!" Kat was also busy searching around when she was able to find the light switch. "Aha! There you are!" She turned the lights on, and Ally and Jazmine immediately stood up and ran over to her. "These look like messed up versions of the animatronics we're friends with! I thought they turned human!" Jazmine said. The animatronics looked terrible. The Bonnie animatronic had the majority of his face gutted out, the purple covering of his left arm missing, and multiple rips in the suit on his arms and legs. Freddy only had rips in his suit. Chica's jaw was broken, hanging by a few wires. It was exposing yet another set of teeth, and it seemed like she didn't have eyelids. Foxy was missing the covering off one of his ears, he had even more scratches and rips than before, and more of the endoskeleton was showing. Kat finally spoke up. "Maybe when they turned human, they left their insanity behind in those suits! I don't know about you, but that's the theory I'm going with!"Jazmine just stared at the animatronics lying on the floor. "Hold up, what's that shining thing over there?" Ally said, pointing to a small, silver, shiny object laying beside the old Freddy animatronic. "It's...Azure's old phone! If it's still charged, we can send a text to one of our friends to come help us!" Kat's face lit up. She carefully walked over towards the old animatronic and slowly picked up the phone. The last thing she wanted to do was have an animatronic try to kill her, if it even would. But, she wasn't taking any chances. "It has 5% left. We gotta make it quick," she said, as she backed away from the animatronic. "These things are really creepy, you guys," Jazmine said. Ally payed no attention as she quickly began typing in a long message to Violet. "If you don't reply, I'm going to be so mad at you!" Ally said, shaking the phone a bit. The message read:

Violet, or anyone else, it's Ally. Kat, Jazmine, and I just found something crazy. You know the animatronics, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy? Well, their suits are still here. I don't know why, how, or if they're even active. All I know is that they are here, not gone like you thought they were. This was probably Goldie's doing. Anyway, please come help! I don't think we'll be able to hold out!

After she sent the message, the phone died. "Darn it!" Ally said, throwing the phone across the room. It shattered into a million pieces. "Now all we can do is trust Violet and hope she tells the others," Jazmine said. Kat nodded, and then suddenly tensed up. "What's wrong?" Jazmine asked. Ally shushed them all, listening for any noise. "Did, one of the animatronics move?" Kat asked. "No, maybe it was just noise from outside." Then Jazmine, looking at Chica, saw her gaze shoot towards then. " guys..." she started, then watched in horror as the torn-up Chica animatronic stood up, looking at them. "Back in the room we were in before!" Ally yelled, as the animatronic screeched and jumped towards them. The three girls dodged, and Chica crashed into a wall. If it wasn't for the fact that this "thing" was trying to kill them, they would have busted into hysterical laughter. It didn't take long for the already-torn-up animatronic to get back up on its feet. The three girls ran into the secret room with Wolfie in it, and slammed the door. "Jazmine! Bring some metal over here to secure the door!" Ally yelled. She could hear the old animatronic suits clanging around in the original parts and service room. "Hurry!"

Jazmine quickly picked up a few metal bars, probably used to make the animatronic endoskeletons, and rushed to the door. There was banging on the door, and Ally and Kat were fighting to keep the door shut. With their help, they managed to secure the doors. "I hope Violet read that text. I don't know how much longer we have until those 'things' get in here!" Kat said, freaking out. "Calm down, if they come in here, I'll kick them in the gut, and probably do more damage than they could do," Ally said, trying to be optimistic. "Let's just hope that those friends of ours got the message loud and clear."


"Hey Bonnie, I just got a mass text from...Azure?" Violet asked. The purple-haired male looked confused. "Oh wait! Azure got a new phone. Her old phone was left at the pizzeria! Ally's trying to contact us!" she said excitedly. "Okay, what did she say?" Bonnie asked. Violet read the message to him, and suddenly dropped the phone. "What did it say?!" Bonnie asked worriedly. Violet looked extremely worried. "Your old animatronic suit is still there! So are the rest of the others' suits! They're still working! And I bet you they're trying to kill off Ally, Kat, and Jazmine!" Bonnie nodded. "Go get the others! They need our help!" Violet cried. Bonnie speed-walked out of the room to go alert Azure. "We're coming to get you, you guys," Violet said to herself.

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