Area 2-4: Killjoy vs Tsugumi (Part 2 of 2)

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"What is that!?" Tsugumi asks Killjoy and she replies "Stand back! Your weapons will do nothing to that monster since it is corrupted by the Lava Virus and has become a Lavaspawn!" Tsugumi and the crew stand back while Killjoy and Claire fight the Great Jagras but before she could move Claire is knocked away and she passes out from the impact which makes Killjoy shout to the crew "Take her somewhere safe! GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" Killjoy's weapon lights up on fire and starts to burn her which makes her scream loudly and this forces her to  transform into something beyond herself with her whole self being on fire and her body glowing with lava as she loses control and furiously slashes at the Great Jagras until it dies.

Killjoy falls to her knees and her body stops burning before returning to normal and before she  could stand up someone with a weapon in her hand stands above her saying "I will kill you right here and right now you monster." Tsugumi stands there with her long sword right at Killjoy's throat. Tsugumi continues "I will cut you down with my weapon Stargazer Blade- "Profound Darkness! I will also summon my pet NERGIGANTE!" Killjoy replies "I am immune to your weak weapon now witness my full potential and I want the same from you. FLAMING MALICE! and for my summon I call forth LAVAFARUKU!" Before Tsugumi could reply a monster crashed into the ground which incinerated everything around her and this prompted a turf war between the Lava filled Valstrax and Nergigante while Killjoy transformed into her Lava form again and Tsugumi used the power of the sword from another world.

They started to fight and Killjoy asks "What do you have against me!?" Tsugumi replies "You are the monster and you must be hunted it is my job!" Killjoy replies "I AM NO MONSTER!" Tsugumi manages to hit Killjoy in her arm at the same time Killjoy hits her in the arm but before they could clash anymore Oroshi turns up. Oroshi laughs loudly and fire rain starts pouring down. Oroshi says "HAHAHAHAHA! You pathetic humans you will all die to the power of all the enemies that hate you and the lava I inject into them to make them stronger!" Oroshi continues "Now enjoy your new playmate" Oroshi teleports away and a mysterious enemy appears that looks human but has malicious intent. The person talks "HAHAHAHAHAHA! Time to die you pathetic ARKS or whatever you are!" When asked for his name he says "I am Dark Falz Elder and I will destroy you for my amusement HAHAHAHA!" Before more conversation can take place he transforms into a monster unknown of this world...

To be continued in Area 2-5: Astera besieged by darkness

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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