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Doctor: Congratulations it's a girl!
Mother: The second girl, we are gonna make so much memories together!! (Signs with joy)
I year later
Tiggs: MUM!! MUM!! Sort Reggie out he is annoying me all the time!
Lara: *crying* waaaaaaa waaa
Mother: See now look what you have done you have made the baby cry! Shhhh it's ok *gently moving the baby back and forth*
Reggie: Mum she is getting on my nerves!
Tiggs: i'm not doing ANYTHING! Your annoying me!
Dennis: Can you both just stop i'm trying to play on my xbox 360 but i can't even do that in peace.
Mother: Where are you going now??
Dennis: in my bedroom where i could of been this whole time *slams door behind him*
Father: i'm home!
Mother: Finally please help me control these kids! The baby is crying because of them.
Father: *picks reggie up and puts him on the couch and then goes upstairs to check on dennis* Hey son i'm home.
Dennis: Dad!
Father: What you doing up here all alone? And without your xbox 360!
Dennis: *signs* it's tiggs and reggie i can't be alone down there for 10 minutes cause, one of them will always start on me for no reason!! Dad why can't you just stay here and let mum go to work instead. Your the only one that can control them!
Father: Your mum has to stay here and look after your baby sister and, if i stay here and don't go to work who is gonna pay the bills? I work to put food on the table for you! And i will never stop until you get a job and can put food on the table for your family. And i'll sort them out before i go to work! Don't worry.
Dennis and his father walked down stairs together.
Mother: Dinner is ready! All of you come out the kitchen.
They all walked into the kitchen!
Tiggs: Mum, Dad?
Mother and Father: yes?
Tiggs: Can we have a dog?
Mother: no i'm sorry because once it dies it is gonna be the most heart breaking moment of your life!
Father: I agree with your mother, i had a dog when i was younger and it died and i was depressed for days, wait.. no.... Weeks!
Tiggs: oh ok


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2020 ⏰

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