Chapter 33✂️

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With the cake in my hands, I took the stairs to where Natalie sat, her breakfast already devoured as she sipped her cup of water. "Where is Grace?"

"In her room," she replied, staring from the cake to me with a wide smile. "Good morning Kunle, can I get a piece."

"Sure but after I eat half," I said moving to the kitchen where Linda stood humming to a tone as she washed the dishes.

"Did you take Grace's meal to her?"

"No sir, she requested to be left alone for now and will come down to get her's when ready."

"Shit," I murmured as I moved to the fridge and placed the cake with care.

Yesterday was a night where we both lost control, unleashed a fire probably caged longer than our fragile bodies could hold and I regretted none of last night's action, but was rather grateful for the freedom and relieved I had as I held her till dawn.

I knocked on her door for several seconds, my mind pondering over her thoughts after she fleed my room. Was she still mad at me? Or was she alright with all that happened?

After no response, I pushed the knob and walked in. From my position by the door, I could hear running water as my eyes wandered to her clothes properly folded on the bed.

Swaying to the temptation that lingered in my heart, I folded my sleeves, pushed opened the bathroom door and let my eyes zoom down her naked body, not heavily curved but perfect enough to weaken me despite last night.


"Hey, calm down." I chuckled moving towards her with my hands raised.

"What is wrong with you?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" The shock was visible in her wipe eyes as she splashed water on my face.

"I'm sorry," I replied, as cold water ran from my head to my body.

She stared at me with pressed lips, before shaking her head, probably despising my presence. "You are getting wet and I need to finish up, please excuse me."

"I know but we need to talk."

"Can it wait?" Her brows were furrowed as she stood underneath the shower with her hands folded.

Smiling, I imitated her posture but let my eyes roamed down her body slowly. "Let's talk now. I don't trust you anymore. You might run away...again."

"You are unbelievable. Kunle I am getting cold, wait outside please."

"It's not going to take much of your time and I can keep you warm if you want, all you have to do is say the word sweetheart," I teased, flirting for the first time in a while. It felt strange but right. She had a way of making sure it was right.

"Alright then, let's go outside." She turned off the shower, picked her towel from a hanger.

"I need a towel too."

"I send you enter here? Shift." She pushed past me but I pulled her into my arms, wrapped my hands around her chest and turned on the shower.

"Now you don't have any towel to use sweetheart," I whispered, with my lips slowly brushing her ear.

"You are evil, very evil."

"I know baby, now listen. I am not sorry about yesterday, I am sorry if it feels like I forced you to have sex with me, I am sorry-"

"No, you don't have to say that." She turned freeing herself from my arms. "I could have stopped you if I  wanted. It's just..." She trailed off exhaling deeply.

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